'KCC' Tagged Posts (Page 4)

'KCC' Tagged Posts (Page 4)

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Ecclesiastical Expectations: What Does the Bible Say?

This is the third article of three regarding church expectations. In my first article, I asked “What do you expect from the church?” In the second article, I wrote to answer the question, “What does your church expect from you?”  Let’s look at what the Bible says in regard to church expectations. If you have heard of the phrase, “paradigm shift” then you’ll understand that this is nothing like what my first two posts talked about, but is rather a whole new way How COVID has affected us
A better story - Kalkaska Church of Christ E-News article

A better Story

I attended a conference for preachers a month or so ago and one of the speakers shared a message from John 11 that really affected how I think about a sermon, but more importantly about how I think about the lessons learned from the raising of Lazarus.  I shared these thoughts with a group of our leaders before a strategy session a few weeks ago. In John chapter 11 we read about the raising of Lazarus from the dead.  Jesus How COVID has affected us

Thowing Off Everything that Hinders

Sometimes you read something and the truth of it impacts you and you know you have to share it.  My sister, Lisa Seeley, posted this recently on her Facebook page and I am taking this opportunity to share it with you. Weeds stink. Look at how bent over this poor plant is because of a nasty weed that attached itself to it and is weighing it down. It made me think of sin. Sin does the exact same thing. Even though How COVID has affected us

Worth in Jesus. Strength in Numbers.

Throughout this school year, the topic of worth has come up several times. It’s been woven through the majority of my lessons during Wednesday night youth group. Why are our youth struggling with this topic?  Honestly, why do we adults struggle with this topic? As Christians, we should know who dictates our worth, and where it comes from. Yet so many struggle to feel like they’re enough. We are inundated with worldly marketing. We’re constantly being told we’re missing the mark. We’re How COVID has affected us
Valentine's Day Hearts

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

In Mark 12, one of the leaders asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was. He said that the first was to love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your mind and all of your soul. And the second was to love your neighbor as yourself. I was thinking about this last night and I thought, if I loved my neighbor based on how I love myself or treat myself, my neighbor would be in How COVID has affected us
Kalkaska Church of Christ E-News Article


Are you a peacemaker or a pot stirrer? Of course, there are things in the middle but at the end of the day, there are generally these two general categories. I’m embarrassed to say that at times in my life I have instigated things or stirred the pot. Keeping the peace is something that I strive for. No one wants drama and turmoil in their life. But if you are a peacemaker is that just a nice word for doormat? Sometimes How COVID has affected us

Changing to the NEW

I enjoy new things, don’t you? New sweaters. New socks. New books. New family members. Every Christmas you probably receive something that is new to you. We recently passed into the new year 2023, so people are making resolutions to start something new. It could be losing weight, eating better, saving money, etc. It’s exciting and promising! Many times “New” comes with “Change.” And change is what is sometimes hard to do. I don’t like to CHANGE my phone even How COVID has affected us

Going to the Source

Do you ever find yourself reading a book or watching a movie and everything is going along great and then there is some big misunderstanding and everything falls apart? I find myself yelling at the TV screen….”Just go ask them!” Alas! No one ever does and there is a whole chapter of turmoil because of it.  I have saved myself TONS of drama and anxiety in my life by following a very simple rule. GO TO THE SOURCE. You may How COVID has affected us
Tanzania, Africa

Todd & Ann Ziems share at KCC

What a refreshing time sharing with Todd & Ann Ziems this past Sunday. The Ziems started Son-International in January 2003 with a heart to share the love of Jesus and provide clean, drinking water for people in Tanzania, Africa. If you missed hearing about their mission work in Tanzania, you can see their talk online either on our website or on our YouTube Channel. The KCC Missions Committee hosted a potluck lunch for the Ziems after worship on Sunday. They How COVID has affected us