



Do you have good armrests? You may be thinking…in my car? In a movie theater? On my recliner? I’m referring to some Moses armrests.  In Exodus, Moses was dealing with some grumpy Israelites. They were thirsty. So he took them to find water, but while trying to get water they were attacked by the Amalekites. Moses sent Joshua to lead the Israelites into battle and remained on a hill with his staff in his hands, praying and crying out to How COVID has affected us
Friendship Palm

Friendship Palm

I’ve never had a green thumb…in fact, I might be a serial plant murderer. When I receive a plant as a gift I smile and cringe inside. I wonder how long the poor plant will make it before I neglect it. One year for Mother’s Day I got two plants for my front porch. I kept them alive all the way until August! That was my record until one rainy day in November of 2019, a friend from my Titus 2 women’s How COVID has affected us
Sara with Friends

My Best Friend

By Sara Blasko, Children’s Ministry Director One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Romans 12:15. It is one of my favorite verses about friendship. “Rejoice with those rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” I have some amazing friends that have done all of these things for me this past month. Rejoicing in the victories and mourning when tough stuff is going on.  Over the years I have realized that my friends can be there for fun, be there How COVID has affected us