

Judging Others

Probably one of the best quoted Bible verses is Matthew 7:1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged”. People say it quite often. It’s surprising how often it is quoted by people that don’t read the Bible or even believe in God. Here is the thing about the Bible, it is a book, made up of 66 books, and you can’t just take bits and pieces to justify your stance on something. I have seen people take verses in How COVID has affected us

Judgy McJudgerson

The easiest way to lose my respect is to hear someone judging someone else. I will often become super defensive of the person being judged when this occurs. I’d like to pretend it’s because I’m a really good person but I know the truth. It’s because I fear judgment from God. Matthew 7:1-5 has always resonated with me.  “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with How COVID has affected us
summer trail in the woods

Don’t Judge Someone Else’s Journey

It is so hard sometimes to not be judgmental. We may look at someone else’s choices and wonder why on earth they would do what they do. The truth is we have not walked in their shoes. Even if we have had the same experience, it will be different from person to person.   A few days ago I hiked with my sister on the north country trail. We hiked around 50 miles total last year and I really enjoyed it. How COVID has affected us