E-News Article

E-News Article

Using Your Gifts and Supporting the Next Gen

Most of us know the parable of the talents and that it teaches us to use our gifts for the kingdom and the glory of God (Matthew 25:14-30). You may also be familiar with the passages where Paul talks about the different spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit gives us and how we should use them wisely and use them to serve others (1 Corinthians 12 & Romans 12). I wanted to bring these passages to your mind ahead of something really fun How COVID has affected us
Rosy heart image

Don’t Wait for your Heart Attack to get Started

I had the pleasure of hanging out with some college friends last weekend. There were five of us and we rented a house in Nashville, IN. A beautiful part of Indiana with an awesome coffee shop. (Or so I’m told. I don’t drink coffee. But the owners are a nice Christian couple brewing “Julian’s Coffee,” another nice Christian man.) Anyway, one of my friends lives in Nashville, TN (not to be mistaken for Nashville as mentioned earlier). My friend was working out one day a few years How COVID has affected us
King David Statue

David: A Man of Praise

Sometimes it can be difficult or uncomfortable to praise God with all we have. Sometimes we don’t know how to approach His throne, other times we don’t know what to do once we get there. I like to look at the life of King David and how he exalts the King of Kings. David, renowned for his courage and kingship, was equally celebrated for his deep and abiding faith in God. Throughout his life, David consistently turned to the Lord in praise and thanksgiving, recognizing How COVID has affected us

The Family of God

I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God! I know when we hear that, we may think of our little KCC family, but we have soooo many brothers and sisters in Christ that we haven’t even met yet! I’ve been blessed to meet some of them in my travels. Sometimes, when we are traveling, our schedules don’t work out finding a church to attend, or it’s hard to find a church that follows the Bible… Yes, that’s How COVID has affected us

Why Snacks?

The Bible outlines the early church modeling deep community through shared meals. Time after time the table became a place where God was present with His people, and His people were present with each other. This is what we strive for each week during our Wednesday night youth group. On the surface a “snack time” doesn’t seem profound, but I believe we are impressing something deeper upon these youth. Each week they know they are going to have 15 mins to How COVID has affected us

A Carol’s Echo: The Impact of Christmas Music on the Secular World

Romans 10:17: “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes a ubiquitous soundtrack: Christmas carols. From bustling shopping malls to quiet elevators, these melodies permeate the atmosphere, reaching even those who may not actively celebrate the religious aspects of Christmas. This raises an interesting question: what impact do these songs, so deeply rooted in Christian tradition, have on the secular world? How COVID has affected us
Guitar - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Finding Faith in Secular Sound

In an era dominated by secular music, it might seem counterintuitive to seek spiritual nourishment. Yet, even within the secular realm, we can discover echoes of divine beauty and truth. Music, in its essence, is a language of the soul. It can evoke emotions, inspire thoughts, and connect us to something greater than ourselves. When we listen to secular music with a discerning ear, we may find unexpected spiritual insights. “Have I Told you Lately” by Van Morrison, “I Can See How COVID has affected us
KCC Wired Youth lead worship at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Using Your Gifts

I Peter 4:10-11 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.” This verse along with many others such as Romans 12: 3-8, I Corinthians 12:7, and I Timothy 4:14, teaches us How COVID has affected us
AI and the Christian Life - Kalkaska Church of Christ Post

aI and the Christian Life

AI Surges into Modern LifeArtificial Intelligence or AI, as it has become better known, has quietly and quickly permeated our daily lives. You find AI embedded into your daily habits, everywhere you turn. It’s in our phones. It’s in our cars. It’s across our homes.  ChatGPT launched AI to the masses in November 2022. Since then a myriad of companies have embraced the technology with their own AI entries. Microsoft has Co-Pilot. Facebook has Meta AI. Google has Gemini. It How COVID has affected us

Get Lit

As I grew up here in Kalkaska, at least one if not two of my weeks in the summer were spent at church camp.  And I loved church camp!  They would assign us to groups or families.  Each meal we would line our family up and they would decide who got to eat first based on the straightest and quietest line.  And, as a family, we would earn points throughout the week to see who could score the most points.  How COVID has affected us