

Operation Christmas Child at KCC

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is here at KCC! There are two ways you can participate. 1. Build a Virtual Shoebox online! We’ve set a goal of 25 online shoeboxes by November 24th. The cost is $25 per box. Pack a box online and avoid the traffic and stores altogether! Start here!2. Pack a physical shoebox! We’ve set a goal of 200 physical shoeboxes by November 24th. Use the how-to directions from the OCC display in the lobby to shop and fill a shoebox for a How COVID has affected us
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Even the Smallest Person

One of my favorite movie phrases comes from The Lord of the Rings: “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” This resonates with me because Freya was born at less than 4 lbs, she has changed the future of myself, Molly, and many others as well. This is one of the many reasons I love God’s word. It’s filled with stories of ordinary people doing crazy things for God. God can use anybody. God can use YOU. How COVID has affected us

Be Strong and Courageous

During a recent mission trip to the Dominican Republic, I was introduced to Moise (not sure I am spelling his name correctly). He grew up in Haiti and moved to the Dominican I think in his late twenties. He was planted by GO ministries as a pastor to a small community that is part Dominican residents and part Haitian refugees. He has a school that last year had 30+ students and this year has 5. We walked the neighborhood and prayed for the How COVID has affected us

Update from H.O.P.E. Missions

I’m packed and ready to fly to Haiti. Lord willing, I’ll leave Michigan on Tuesday and arrive Wednesday, May 11 around noon. I’ve been planning and watching and listening and praying, looking for the right time to make a trip.  There will never be a perfect time, we just pray.  It’s in God’s time. I plan to go to Cap Haitian, no other in-country travel on this trip. I have invited several leaders in the churches we serve to come How COVID has affected us
Mission Trip Dominican Republic 2022

Mission Trip to Dominican Republic

Break out of your routine and join KCC this fall for the once-in-a-lifetime mission trip to the Dominican Republic! Brush up on your Spanish and put on your hiking boots because this trip will be nothing like your weekly visit to the park with the kids! The dates for the upcoming mission trip to the Dominican Republic have changed, and are now October 29th – November 5th.  This means there is still time for you to register! You can sign up and How COVID has affected us
Feed a camper

Feed a Camper

The KCC annual food drive for Wilderness Christian Assembly camp is April 11 – April 25, 2021. The camp is planning on about 100 campers this summer. The first Sunday, April 11th, we are asking our church body to sponsor breakfast at $2 per camper.  The second Sunday, April 18th, we are asking our church body to sponsor lunch for campers at $3 per camper. The third Sunday, April 25th, we are asking the church body to sponsor supper for campers at $4 per camper.   How COVID has affected us

New Missionary Added

KCC will begin supporting Adrienne Stratton of Go Ministries in September. 2020.  Adrienne Stratton is originally from Vestaburg, Michigan. She attended Great Lakes Christian College. After serving on staff at GLCC in 2014, she went on a “GO Internship” with Go Ministries. It wasn’t long afterward that she moved to the island of Hispaniola (home of Dominican Republic and Haiti) in 2016. Adrienne now serves as Director of Community Development for Go Ministries. Follow Adrienne on her Facebook page. 
Tanzania, Africa

Todd & Ann Ziems share at KCC

What a refreshing time sharing with Todd & Ann Ziems this past Sunday. The Ziems started Son-International in January 2003 with a heart to share the love of Jesus and provide clean, drinking water for people in Tanzania, Africa. If you missed hearing about their mission work in Tanzania, you can see their talk online either on our website or on our YouTube Channel. The KCC Missions Committee hosted a potluck lunch for the Ziems after worship on Sunday. They How COVID has affected us

Haiti Mission Trip 2019

The Kalkaska Church of Christ sent out two mission teams to Haiti in February 2019. The first team, led by Tim Severance, headed up to Sonlight Ministries in Port-de-Paix; the second team, led by Sara Blasko, traveled to HOPE mission near Gonaives. Each team was in the country about 8 days working with the church-supported missions and their missionaries.

Project 53 – Christmas Offering 2017!

The final Sunday in 2017 is a 53rd Sunday. That Sunday, December 31st, the entire offering will be given to the  missions and missionaries that KCC supports on a regular basis! We’ve asked our missionaries to give us a “Wish List” to help us know what they might purchase with the extra financial gift. Here are some of their responses: Home improvements for Emmanual Pierre (local Haitian preacher) – HOPE Mission Video/ updated website – White as Snow Ministries Video projector How COVID has affected us
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