Update from H.O.P.E. Missions

Update from H.O.P.E. Missions

Jeff and Carol Badgero of HOPE Mission
Jeff with wife Carol

I’m packed and ready to fly to Haiti.

Lord willing, I’ll leave Michigan on Tuesday and arrive Wednesday, May 11 around noon.

I’ve been planning and watching and listening and praying, looking for the right time to make a trip. 

There will never be a perfect time, we just pray.  It’s in God’s time.

I plan to go to Cap Haitian, no other in-country travel on this trip.

I have invited several leaders in the churches we serve to come for a seminar.

I asked the churches to send upcoming leaders that I don’t know already. This will give us a chance to look at future vision for new leaders. 

Pray for the safety of all traveling, also pray that God will work with all of us that iron will sharpen iron. This will be a good time to collectively share ideas on being tent preachers or Garden preachers or working preachers and how can we be more self sufficient and be better servants to others.

One of the very first mountain preachers I met, Taveas, had been very sick. He had stomach and pulmonary problems, but is starting to recover now.

Thank you for your love, prayers and support.

Jeff Badgero