

Operation Christmas Child at KCC

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is here at KCC! There are two ways you can participate. 1. Build a Virtual Shoebox online! We’ve set a goal of 25 online shoeboxes by November 24th. The cost is $25 per box. Pack a box online and avoid the traffic and stores altogether! Start here!2. Pack a physical shoebox! We’ve set a goal of 200 physical shoeboxes by November 24th. Use the how-to directions from the OCC display in the lobby to shop and fill a shoebox for a How COVID has affected us
Hello summer from Kalkaska Church of Christ

It’s Summer

What’s your plan? Every year summer comes around and we love it! The clear waters of the Manistee River or Torch Lake. Local small-town festivals and craft fairs are within driving distance. And northern Michigan weather is the best in the summer. We can warm up nicely during the day and then enjoy a bonfire at night (if Smoky Bear says it’s okay). However, if we aren’t careful, summer can slide right by us if we don’t map out what our summer plans look like. The same How COVID has affected us

Update from H.O.P.E. Missions

I’m packed and ready to fly to Haiti. Lord willing, I’ll leave Michigan on Tuesday and arrive Wednesday, May 11 around noon. I’ve been planning and watching and listening and praying, looking for the right time to make a trip.  There will never be a perfect time, we just pray.  It’s in God’s time. I plan to go to Cap Haitian, no other in-country travel on this trip. I have invited several leaders in the churches we serve to come How COVID has affected us
Mission Trip Dominican Republic 2022

Mission Trip to Dominican Republic

Break out of your routine and join KCC this fall for the once-in-a-lifetime mission trip to the Dominican Republic! Brush up on your Spanish and put on your hiking boots because this trip will be nothing like your weekly visit to the park with the kids! The dates for the upcoming mission trip to the Dominican Republic have changed, and are now October 29th – November 5th.  This means there is still time for you to register! You can sign up and How COVID has affected us

New Missionary Added

KCC will begin supporting Adrienne Stratton of Go Ministries in September. 2020.  Adrienne Stratton is originally from Vestaburg, Michigan. She attended Great Lakes Christian College. After serving on staff at GLCC in 2014, she went on a “GO Internship” with Go Ministries. It wasn’t long afterward that she moved to the island of Hispaniola (home of Dominican Republic and Haiti) in 2016. Adrienne now serves as Director of Community Development for Go Ministries. Follow Adrienne on her Facebook page. 

Simple Systems

by Andy Bratton, Senior Minister I have the privilege on sitting on the board for an organization called NCCE (New Churches of Christ Evangelism).  The purpose of the group is to plant churches in Michigan. Over the past few years there have been new churches planted in Fruitport (south of Muskegon), Saginaw (on the campus of SVSU), and Ubley (a very tiny town in the thumb).  If you are ever in those areas for a Sunday, check them out. Anyway, How COVID has affected us