Sermon Series: The One PlanSermon Title: Next OneSermon Scripture: Mark 8; Colossians 1:16; Isaiah 43:6-7; Galatians 2:20Speaker: Andy BrattonBig Idea: Our journey through this life is filled with steps. Each step equals growth. How will we travel this journey? Our goal this year is to clearly identify the steps of discipleship and to challenge you to take the next one.
Matthew 4:18-19 The definition of a disciple is a follower, a student. Jesus’s followers, make Jesus followers. Matthew 28:16-20 What we teach matters. We need to teach obedience to Jesus’s commands. Jesus expects his followers to make more followers. Discipleship costs. 1 Timothy 4:7b-8 The benefits of discipleship are worth the costs. Year one of the 3 year plan of Reach One:
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