

Through New Eyes Sermon Series - Kalkaska Church of Christ

With In

Sermon Series:  Through New Eyes Sermon Title: With In Sermon Scripture:  Exodus Speaker: Andy Bratton Big Idea:  Our Biblical worldview shows us the importance of the Holy Spirit living within us and how we are able to follow Jesus as believers. A Biblical worldview explains why we wrestle with sin and why sin is in the world.
Through New Eyes Sermon Series - Kalkaska Church of Christ

A Tree is Just a Tree Until it Isn’t

The Sunday School version of Jonah: Jonah 1:1-3 Jonah 2:1-2 Jonah 3:1-5 Jonah 4:1-4 The Biblical Worldview of Jonah Jonah 4:5-8; 2 Kings 14:23-27; Genesis 9:25; Genesis 10:8-12; Genesis 12:3; Nahum 1:1-2 A Biblical Worldview uses God’s greater story as the lens for understanding.
Destination Jesus. Believe. Belong. Become. Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Great Commission

Sermon Series: Discipleship Sermon Title:  The Great Commission Speaker: Mark McCool There is no such thing as easy Christianity    Mat. 7:13-14 Mark 12:30:  Heart   ________________ and ________________ Soul   ________________, ___________ Mind   ________________, ______________ Strength    ________________  ___________ (what we do) Four parts of the Great Commission: Matthew 28:18-20 Part I:  “All _____________ in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Jesus is our _______________  _______________ Part II:  Make _________________ , ______________ them Two aspects: How COVID has affected us

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