

Wait…God Hates?

I read a disturbing Psalm this week during my daily Bible reading.  It said some things that I never want to associate with God.  At the top of the Psalm, it simply says, “For the choir director: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by the flute.”  There is no description of when David would have written it and what context in which he would have written it. It starts as a cry for help.  “O Lord, hear me as How COVID has affected us

Thowing Off Everything that Hinders

Sometimes you read something and the truth of it impacts you and you know you have to share it.  My sister, Lisa Seeley, posted this recently on her Facebook page and I am taking this opportunity to share it with you. Weeds stink. Look at how bent over this poor plant is because of a nasty weed that attached itself to it and is weighing it down. It made me think of sin. Sin does the exact same thing. Even though How COVID has affected us
Fruit in the Garden of Eden with Snake

I like Chocolate, and you?

In 1983, Christian singer, Steve Tayor, asked “Whatever happened to sin?” Seems people were doing whatever they wanted without any concern as to what God wanted. Not that this is anything new. Since the beginning of time, we have seen a steady erosion of the concept of sin.  The word “sin” in today’s modern world has become a word either relegated to the church or used only as a joke. Sin is seen as old-fashioned and outdated. It’s not really relevant to How COVID has affected us
E-News Article - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Masking the Struggle

There are many more questions out there than there are answers. And who do we listen to?A politician says one thing and a medical professional says another. Listen to ABC news and feel like this sickness may never end or listen to Fox news and feel like it’s back to business as usual.  We live in confusing times today. This pandemic has up-ended the world like never in our lifetimes. Unemployment has skyrocketed. The stock market is volatile with lower lows and higher highs. How COVID has affected us

Did He or Didn’t He?

by Andy Bratton, Senior Minister Last week the big story was about Judge Kavanaugh and whether or not he would be put before the Senate to be confirmed as our next Supreme Court Justice.  As you probably know the big question was whether or not an accuser’s story about him sexually assaulting her was true or not. I just spent several minutes on Facebook (I admit it) and saw several people make comments about the Judge and whether or not he How COVID has affected us

A Necessary Removal

My wife bought a new Samsung smart phone recently. We set it up by transferring all her contacts and most of her apps from her old phone. However, when she started using it, we noticed that the volume didn’t seem to work. I checked the volume in settings thinking maybe there was a limit set on it or something, but everything seemed fine there. We turned the volume all the way up and all the way down, but it made How COVID has affected us