Posts by Sara Blasko

Posts by Sara Blasko

The Family of God

I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God! I know when we hear that, we may think of our little KCC family, but we have soooo many brothers and sisters in Christ that we haven’t even met yet! I’ve been blessed to meet some of them in my travels. Sometimes, when we are traveling, our schedules don’t work out finding a church to attend, or it’s hard to find a church that follows the Bible… Yes, that’s How COVID has affected us

Depending on Others

One thing that I’ve always been, is fiercely independent. This is a good thing, but sometimes it can be a little prideful. Something I’m HORRIBLE at is asking for help. I do not like to inconvenience others, and even when I NEED help I have this whole spiral into worthlessness etc.  I think sometimes when something becomes a theme for you in your life, you need to take notice that God is trying to tell you something.  Last year when How COVID has affected us
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This week I am teaching the lesson of Naaman to the kids. This was one of my favorite bible stories growing up. I think because one of the “heroes” in the story was a little girl. She spoke up and helped her master find a cure. She was also able to share her faith in a big way, with someone who was very powerful.  The servant girl in the story was never named. And maybe that is a lesson in How COVID has affected us

The Week Before VBS

It never fails that I have the E-new article when life is a little crazy for me! Anita texted me this morning to remind me and offered to let me switch with someone. I decided I would let Paul help me out this week. I was reading Colossians and thought Chapter 3 was great. Let me tell you a little about my friend, Paul. He is in prison, but still writes letters of encouragement to others! I guess my life How COVID has affected us
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Jesus Wept

I wish I had been more prepared for grief…and I am simultaneously thankful that I had no experience with the level that I would be in. Grief is a club that nobody wants to be a part of, but EVERYONE will someday join.  My sweet friend of almost 30 years lost her 3-year-long battle with terminal brain cancer on March 10th. She left behind 2 beautiful girls (young adults) who had recently also lost their father. My heart was broken. How COVID has affected us
KCC E-News


Have you ever been somewhere and seen a nice big bowl of fruit and went to grab one, and realized it was plastic!?! How disappointing! Usually “fake fruit” is made to look extra appetizing. But if you went to take a bite, you would be met with shards of plastic and air. The same could be said for someone who encounters a “fake” Christian. Someone who professes to be a Christian, yet does not utilize their “fruit.”  As Christians, we How COVID has affected us
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LOVING YOUR SPOUSE LIKE JESUS LOVES US I will never pretend to be an expert in anything. I wanted to write today about marriage. I have been married for 23.5 years. That may seem like a drop in the bucket to some of my older friends. And it may seem like an eternity to younger people. The truth is, it’s both! Depending on your perspective. Honestly, sometimes it feels like both to me! On our good days, I can fondly think, I How COVID has affected us

Confessions of a Planner

Are you guys planning stuff for summer right now? Fun fact, I start getting Vacation Bible School stuff ready in January! The dust has barely settled on Christmas and I’ve ordered the curriculum! When it shows up in January, It’s like Christmas again! I get to open the tin, sort through the items, and start planning!  I recently learned that I LOVE to plan things. I’m not sure why. I think it’s the anticipation of what is to come – How COVID has affected us
The Amazing Grace Race from Octane kid's ministry in Kalkaska.

Amazing Grace Race

Last week was one of my favorite weeks that I do with the Octane kids. We did an Amazing Grace Race. It is similar to the Amazing Race show, where teams have to complete tasks. At each challenge, they received a food item to put together a Thanksgiving basket. After the baskets are compiled the teams made cards to go with the baskets.  The kids all enjoyed the game, but the best part was knowing that they were doing something How COVID has affected us
God's beauty is all around us

Beauty All Around

The world is FULL of complainers. It is not only annoying but contagious. It is very easy to find things that are “wrong.” I get it. There is a lot wrong in our world. But what if we changed our focus and perspective and started not only looking for the good but pointing it out for others to see and enjoy? I think that is contagious as well!  Psalm 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is How COVID has affected us