Beauty All Around

Beauty All Around

The world is FULL of complainers. It is not only annoying but contagious. It is very easy to find things that are “wrong.” I get it. There is a lot wrong in our world. But what if we changed our focus and perspective and started not only looking for the good but pointing it out for others to see and enjoy? I think that is contagious as well! 

Psalm 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him”. I love taking time to “stop and smell the roses.” But with the busyness of life sometimes it’s hard to slow down and do that. I love the idea of prayer walks. Taking time out of your day to just slow things down and observe the beauty that God has created. It’s right there in front of us, we just become immune to it. 

I recently was up in Petoskey at a shoe store. While my husband was paying for his shoes, I couldn’t help but gasp at the gorgeous view outside of the window. The shoe store is up on a hill overlooking Little Traverse Bay. I asked the cashier if she was immune to that view because it was truly breathtaking! We got to talking about life and she told me that she was a cancer survivor. She began to tear up talking about everything she had been through and I asked her if I could give her a hug. I reminded her to enjoy her beautiful view before I left. 

Here’s the thing. I’m REALLY good at giving other people advice. And often forget that I should follow my own advice. Last night Nick and I had errands to run in TC. We drove by the bay twice without me even recognizing the beauty before me. This morning as I left the house the sun was shining and the grass was beautiful and the trees were gorgeous. I just backed my car out and left. Even now as I sit in my office writing this I neglected to appreciate the beauty on the other side of the window. 

I’m making an effort for the rest of the day to appreciate, revel, and point out to others the beauty all around me! God has made some incredible things! If you go look in the mirror right now, you will see one of them! Have a blessed week!