'Beauty' Tagged Posts

'Beauty' Tagged Posts

Guitar - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Finding Faith in Secular Sound

In an era dominated by secular music, it might seem counterintuitive to seek spiritual nourishment. Yet, even within the secular realm, we can discover echoes of divine beauty and truth. Music, in its essence, is a language of the soul. It can evoke emotions, inspire thoughts, and connect us to something greater than ourselves. When we listen to secular music with a discerning ear, we may find unexpected spiritual insights. “Have I Told you Lately” by Van Morrison, “I Can See How COVID has affected us
God's beauty is all around us

Beauty All Around

The world is FULL of complainers. It is not only annoying but contagious. It is very easy to find things that are “wrong.” I get it. There is a lot wrong in our world. But what if we changed our focus and perspective and started not only looking for the good but pointing it out for others to see and enjoy? I think that is contagious as well!  Psalm 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is How COVID has affected us