

Depending on Others

One thing that I’ve always been, is fiercely independent. This is a good thing, but sometimes it can be a little prideful. Something I’m HORRIBLE at is asking for help. I do not like to inconvenience others, and even when I NEED help I have this whole spiral into worthlessness etc.  I think sometimes when something becomes a theme for you in your life, you need to take notice that God is trying to tell you something.  Last year when How COVID has affected us

Questions of Christmas

December has arrived, and that means the Christmas Season is upon us! If any of you are like me, you’ve been keeping your wife at bay until after Thanksgiving. If she had her way, it would be Christmas in our house all year long.  There is something special about preserving the holiday for this specific time each year. We anticipate it. We plan for it. We don’t take it for granted. During the Christmas season, several characteristics of Christ readily shine How COVID has affected us
Red starry background with silhouette of couple

Happy Greatest Commandment Day!

It’s Valentine’s Day, so of course I need to write my article about love. In 1 John 4:8, it says that “God is love.” It says that if you don’t love you don’t know God. That seems pretty straightforward. Jesus said that people will know we are his disciples by how we love one another (John 13:35). Jesus also said, “Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend” (John 15:13). When asked about what the greatest commandment was, Jesus answered, “Love How COVID has affected us
Red starry background with silhouette of couple


LOVING YOUR SPOUSE LIKE JESUS LOVES US I will never pretend to be an expert in anything. I wanted to write today about marriage. I have been married for 23.5 years. That may seem like a drop in the bucket to some of my older friends. And it may seem like an eternity to younger people. The truth is, it’s both! Depending on your perspective. Honestly, sometimes it feels like both to me! On our good days, I can fondly think, I How COVID has affected us
Hands in the shape of a heart

The Power of Love (Not Huey Lewis)

As Christians, we are commanded to love. It’s not always easy to love others through the hurt and challenges. God’s love serves as the ultimate example, the purest expression of selflessness. It is a love that knows no bounds, embracing us in our flaws and imperfections. Love is not passive; it is an active choice. In choosing to love, we align ourselves with a force that has the power to heal wounds, bridge divides, and bring light into the darkest How COVID has affected us
What is love?

What is Love?

I love (fill in the blank). From pizza to puppies, movies to music, sand to sandwiches; our world is overflowing with things we “love”. In addition to loving so many things, our world is filled with a longing to be loved individually. Regardless of how many things or how many people we surround ourselves with, that longing for “true love” never seems quenched.  Think back on the wedding scene from the AMAZING movie The Princess Bride. The Priest, standing up proclaiming “Wuv, True Wuv, Will How COVID has affected us