WOW God!

By Sara Blasko, Children’s Minister Every year, when I think about getting ready for VBS I get stressed. The planning, the ordering items, trying to make sure I don’t forget anything, recruiting and training volunteers…It all seems a little overwhelming. And then I think about the actual week of VBS, and I can’t wait to do it again! The difference in those weeks leading up to VBS and VBS are huge. During VBS, I get to see all of that How COVID has affected us

Maker Fun Factory Wrap-Up

Maker Fun Factory, this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) is history now! We saw about 140 children come each day to participate in uplifting songs, nutritious snacks, fun games, engaging stories, and more! The offering totals are in! $1,136 were given to Joel Ickes and his ministry in New York city with Global City Mission Initiative! However, the total monies that will be sent to Joel are $2,272 because an anonymous donor agreed to match this weeks giving!!   Thank How COVID has affected us