'Church' Tagged Posts

'Church' Tagged Posts

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Don’t Wait for your Heart Attack to get Started

I had the pleasure of hanging out with some college friends last weekend. There were five of us and we rented a house in Nashville, IN. A beautiful part of Indiana with an awesome coffee shop. (Or so I’m told. I don’t drink coffee. But the owners are a nice Christian couple brewing “Julian’s Coffee,” another nice Christian man.) Anyway, one of my friends lives in Nashville, TN (not to be mistaken for Nashville as mentioned earlier). My friend was working out one day a few years How COVID has affected us

The Family of God

I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God! I know when we hear that, we may think of our little KCC family, but we have soooo many brothers and sisters in Christ that we haven’t even met yet! I’ve been blessed to meet some of them in my travels. Sometimes, when we are traveling, our schedules don’t work out finding a church to attend, or it’s hard to find a church that follows the Bible… Yes, that’s How COVID has affected us
Thanksgiving Quiz

Thanksgiving Quiz

As we enter into this season of thanksgiving, let’s look to scripture for some inspiration. Here are some questions put together by Dr. Doug Mendenhall, a professor at Abilene Christian University to encourage you to dive into Biblical incidents of praise and thanksgiving. Need a little help? Here in alphabetical order are the 20 possible answers: Anna, Daniel (twice), David, Fools, Four creatures, Hannah, Jesus (twice), Lazarus, Levites, Nehemiah, Noah, Paul in Corinthians, Paul in Romans, Paul in a boat, How COVID has affected us
Guitar - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Finding Faith in Secular Sound

In an era dominated by secular music, it might seem counterintuitive to seek spiritual nourishment. Yet, even within the secular realm, we can discover echoes of divine beauty and truth. Music, in its essence, is a language of the soul. It can evoke emotions, inspire thoughts, and connect us to something greater than ourselves. When we listen to secular music with a discerning ear, we may find unexpected spiritual insights. “Have I Told you Lately” by Van Morrison, “I Can See How COVID has affected us
AI and the Christian Life - Kalkaska Church of Christ Post

aI and the Christian Life

AI Surges into Modern LifeArtificial Intelligence or AI, as it has become better known, has quietly and quickly permeated our daily lives. You find AI embedded into your daily habits, everywhere you turn. It’s in our phones. It’s in our cars. It’s across our homes.  ChatGPT launched AI to the masses in November 2022. Since then a myriad of companies have embraced the technology with their own AI entries. Microsoft has Co-Pilot. Facebook has Meta AI. Google has Gemini. It How COVID has affected us
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Shout for Joy

Shout for Joy: LOUD WORSHIP & OPEN HEARTS (PSALM 100:1) Have you ever felt a surge of joy so powerful it demanded expression? Maybe a victory, a breakthrough, or simply the overwhelming love of God. The Bible is full of examples of this kind of uninhibited praise, a worship that isn’t afraid to get loud! In Psalm 100:1, we are called to “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth!” This isn’t a quiet, reserved kind of joy. It’s a How COVID has affected us
KCC E-News


Let’s talk about forgiveness. It’s a powerful concept, but sometimes it feels impossible, right? We hold onto grudges, hurt, and anger, or we ourselves feel unable to be forgiven. We become shackled to emotions as a form of self-conviction.  The Bible tells a different story. In John 19:30, Jesus says, “It is finished.”  Those three words hold immense power. Jesus, on the cross, took on the burden of all sin and suffering. That includes the pain caused by others, as How COVID has affected us
KCC E-News


Have you ever been somewhere and seen a nice big bowl of fruit and went to grab one, and realized it was plastic!?! How disappointing! Usually “fake fruit” is made to look extra appetizing. But if you went to take a bite, you would be met with shards of plastic and air. The same could be said for someone who encounters a “fake” Christian. Someone who professes to be a Christian, yet does not utilize their “fruit.”  As Christians, we How COVID has affected us
KCC E-News

Did You Know?

Bible Trivia! Some cringe when they hear this game is up next, while others pump their fists in excitement. Maybe you’re the person everyone wants to be on their team, or maybe you’re the one no one wants on their team. There are so many fascinating things in the Bible, many of which most people didn’t even know were there! So, I’d like to take this moment to share some of my obscure, but cool, facts that will help you How COVID has affected us
Kalkaska Church of Christ backdrop

KCc Welcomes James Trumble as Elder

In a momentous decision on January 21, 2024, the Kalkaska Church of Christ approved the selection of James Trumble to the KCC board of Elders. This appointment marks a significant chapter in the life of a man whose journey of faith has been deeply intertwined with a passion for spreading the gospel and a commitment to living a life set apart for God’s glory. As someone who grew up in a Christian household, James Trumble reflects on his early years How COVID has affected us
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