In October, we shot a Christmas video with children from our Wednesday After School Program (WASP). These are kids in Kindergarten through 2nd grade. We’ll premiere the video at our church’s Christmas Eve program this month. We sat the children down and asked them questions about the Christmas story. Overall, they did quite well recalling the story of the Nativity. However, some of their answers raised an eyebrow.
Here is a quiz on the Christmas story based on some of the children’s answers. Good luck.
- What 3 gifts did the Wisemen bring baby Jesus?
- Gold, Diamonds, Gun Powder
- Gold, Frankenstein, Myrrh
- Baby Food, Diapers, Baby Stuff
- Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh
2. What is Christmas all about?
- Family
- Birthdays
- Jesus
- Sharing together and most importantly, Have Fun!
3. Where was baby Jesus born?
- In a Spot
- In a hut
- In a shed
- In a tiny cabin
- In a barn
- In a mini shack
4. Where did the Wisemen come from?
- China
- The Castle
- India
- The East
5. What did Mary ride to Bethlehem?
- A donkey
- A camel
- A horse
- She pulled a donkey
6. How did King Herod feel when he heard that was a new king?
- He was mad-ish
- He was angry
- He wanted to KILL him.
7.Why was Jesus born in a barn?
- They didn’t have enough money
- The hospital was full
- They didn’t have a plan
- There was no room in the Inn
Thanks for taking the short Christmas quiz. You can read the Christmas story in Luke 2 or Matthew 1-2 and get all the facts there. Don’t forget to join us for our Christmas Eve Service at 7:00 PM at the Kalkaska Church of Christ to catch the Children’s Christmas video. If you can’t make it, we’ll be posting the video to our socials. Merry Christmas!