'Children' Tagged Posts

'Children' Tagged Posts

God Sighting

It’s VBS week! My favorite week of the year! Sara and her amazing team have spent nearly a year praying, planning, preparing, and praying some more – all to reach the children of our community in a real and impactful way. Each year the kids learn about “God Sightings” (those little moments in life where you can see His light shine through), and worship this morning was mine.  I have the pleasure of being a “fly on the wall” in How COVID has affected us

The Week Before VBS

It never fails that I have the E-new article when life is a little crazy for me! Anita texted me this morning to remind me and offered to let me switch with someone. I decided I would let Paul help me out this week. I was reading Colossians and thought Chapter 3 was great. Let me tell you a little about my friend, Paul. He is in prison, but still writes letters of encouragement to others! I guess my life How COVID has affected us
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Lessons From Eve

The first mother, Eve, had 2 sons, Cain and Abel. Cain worked the soil; Abel kept flocks. When taking their offerings to God, Cain was jealous of his brother, because Abel’s offering was accepted by God, whereas his offering was not. Cain killed Abel over this jealousy.  Does this make Eve a bad mother? Was it Eve’s fault that Cain acted out so drastically? Hardly. But it was in fact, the sinful nature of mankind rearing its ugly head resulting in How COVID has affected us

A Christmas Story Quiz

In October, we shot a Christmas video with children from our Wednesday After School Program (WASP). These are kids in Kindergarten through 2nd grade. We’ll premiere the video at our church’s Christmas Eve program this month. We sat the children down and asked them questions about the Christmas story. Overall, they did quite well recalling the story of the Nativity. However, some of their answers raised an eyebrow.  Here is a quiz on the Christmas story based on some of the children’s How COVID has affected us
The Amazing Grace Race from Octane kid's ministry in Kalkaska.

Amazing Grace Race

Last week was one of my favorite weeks that I do with the Octane kids. We did an Amazing Grace Race. It is similar to the Amazing Race show, where teams have to complete tasks. At each challenge, they received a food item to put together a Thanksgiving basket. After the baskets are compiled the teams made cards to go with the baskets.  The kids all enjoyed the game, but the best part was knowing that they were doing something How COVID has affected us