

KCC E-News


Let’s talk about forgiveness. It’s a powerful concept, but sometimes it feels impossible, right? We hold onto grudges, hurt, and anger, or we ourselves feel unable to be forgiven. We become shackled to emotions as a form of self-conviction.  The Bible tells a different story. In John 19:30, Jesus says, “It is finished.”  Those three words hold immense power. Jesus, on the cross, took on the burden of all sin and suffering. That includes the pain caused by others, as How COVID has affected us
Paid in Full

Paid In Full

Have you ever been in over your head? Like completely and utterly overwhelmed? I know I have. Whether it be financially, with work projects, school, or home-life, I think we have all found ourselves in that situation a time or two.  And how have you felt when the pressure was taken off your plate? RELIEF! I know for myself, things like VBS can really add a lot of pressure. But when it starts and the kids show up, all of How COVID has affected us
E-News Article - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Forget About It!

How are you at forgiving and forgetting? I’ve heard many people say, “I can forgive, but I won’t forget.” I think this is almost a natural reaction. People do this as a way to protect themselves from being hurt again. As Christians, we strive to be like Christ. In fact, there are several verses that tell us to do this. But we like to pick and choose what we follow. John 13:13-17 says, “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly How COVID has affected us

Did He or Didn’t He?

by Andy Bratton, Senior Minister Last week the big story was about Judge Kavanaugh and whether or not he would be put before the Senate to be confirmed as our next Supreme Court Justice.  As you probably know the big question was whether or not an accuser’s story about him sexually assaulting her was true or not. I just spent several minutes on Facebook (I admit it) and saw several people make comments about the Judge and whether or not he How COVID has affected us

Why is the church so judgmental?

Why is the church so judgmental?   Sadly, this negative perception of Christians is one of the top 3 most widely held by those outside the Church. Nearly 9 out of 10 young outsiders said that the term judgmental accurately describes present-day Christianity according to David Kinnaman in his book “UnChristian.” The other 2 negative labels on Christians: antihomosexual and hypocritical). How did we get here? How did we get this label? 1 Cor. 6:1-6 Judging one another, the world, How COVID has affected us

Made Fresh Every Morning

by Tim Severance Every morning I like to begin the day with a pot of freshly brewed Starbucks coffee. We buy the whole beans by the bag at Sams Club and grind them ourselves – a habit taught me by a special someone 16 years ago when we first wed. Call me a coffee snob, but nothing compares to the freshly ground smell and taste of grinding your own Starbucks! That steaming, caffeinated, tasty beverage is just what I need to clear How COVID has affected us