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D-GROUPS (Discipleship Groups)

This Sunday night we’re taking the youth ministry to the next level by kicking off D-Groups! D-Groups is a weekly discipleship group where our High Schoolers will be circling up and reading the scriptures aloud, then openly discussing what they’ve read. I will have pointed questions prepared to help steer them in the right direction, but I am so excited to see where God steers them through their conversation. This is not a night where they’re coming to hear an adult give a How COVID has affected us
E-news blog from Kalkaska Church of Christ


Over the last few weeks, our life group has been diving into the Sermon on the Mount. There are a ton of great messages we get from it: don’t judge, don’t worry or be anxious, and of course, we have the Lord’s Prayer. There are, however, a lot of difficult teachings in there as well: love your enemies, be peacemakers, and equating hate and lust to murder and adultery. There’s one idea that seems to be a common thread throughout the entire sermon How COVID has affected us
1 Peter 2:2

Fall into Discipleship

You probably could have guessed this was coming as the subject of my article this week. School just started back last week. Ephraim is having his kickoff tonight for the youth group. Sara is getting ready for WASP and Octane to fire back up. And yes, we have programs for adults, as well. I call it our discipleship rhythm. And, believe it or not, we don’t offer these things just to fill your calendar or because we don’t have anything else to do. I’m not trying How COVID has affected us
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Ecclesiastical Expectations: What Does the Bible Say?

This is the third article of three regarding church expectations. In my first article, I asked “What do you expect from the church?” In the second article, I wrote to answer the question, “What does your church expect from you?”  Let’s look at what the Bible says in regard to church expectations. If you have heard of the phrase, “paradigm shift” then you’ll understand that this is nothing like what my first two posts talked about, but is rather a whole new way How COVID has affected us
BSF - Bible Study Fellowship - Kalkaska Church of Christ

BSF – Bible Study Fellowship

BSF for Women (in person) Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is an international organization that believes that people discover their true purpose and identity by discovering God through His Word.  This fall begins KCC’s second year of hosting this in-depth Bible study for women. The study will meet in the lower level of KCC each Monday night at 7 PM beginning Monday, September 12, 2022.    BSF uses a 4-fold approach to studying scriptures. You will answer questions, participate in small group discussion, listen How COVID has affected us

The Cost of Discipleship

For two more Sundays we are going to look at the topic of Discipleship and what it means to be a disciple and why we should follow Jesus.  I think one of the biggest misnomers in our world is that a relationship with Jesus stops at the baptismal or as some would say, “when someone bends the knee.”  And it is challenging to address because we point everyone to “making a decision.”  In making a decision we instruct people they How COVID has affected us
Ephesians 2:10

Do vs. Done or Done now Do?

A church I once belonged to was doing some training on how to evangelize.  And the material we were using used an illustration in trying to explain religion vs. Christianity.  The book described religion as something people do.  Most people think of religion as something you are supposed to be a part of and do in order to obtain salvation.  They referred to it as a works based faith.  Meaning, that you can’t get to Heaven without working to get How COVID has affected us
RightNow Media

RightNow Media Launch

RightNow Media is the Christian Netflix of streaming Christian content. A free account is available to everyone at KCC!
E-News Article - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Discipleship You Don’t Have to Travel For

On Sunday, November 8th we started a new series called, “A Divine Dining Experience.”  In this series, we are looking at four meals Jesus had with people and the teaching He gave during those meals.  The overriding theme of the series is that Discipleship starts at home and the challenge for the month was to have a sit-down meal every day with your family and ask three questions.  “What God sightings did you observe today?”  “If Jesus were here at How COVID has affected us