Posts from June 2024
The Week Before VBS
It never fails that I have the E-new article when life is a little crazy for me! Anita texted me this morning to remind me and offered to let me switch with someone. I decided I would let Paul help me out this week. I was reading Colossians and thought Chapter 3 was great. Let me tell you a little about my friend, Paul. He is in prison, but still writes letters of encouragement to others! I guess my life How COVID has affected us
The sun is shining, warmth is in the air! We all know what that means; summertime is here! For many youth ministers across the country, that means camp is just around the corner. I am in full camp mode getting every detail locked in and ready to go for a fun week with high schoolers this July. The camp theme this summer is “You Be the Judge”. I will be challenging the campers to make good Godly choices in their How COVID has affected us
Seasons of Life
Life seems to ebb and flow like waves on the ocean. Change is a constant in our world. Today you may be young and single living alone and going to school. Tomorrow you are middle-aged, married, and working 40 hours a week. Today you may be standing up at your best friend’s wedding. Tomorrow you are mourning with family as you say “Goodbye” to a loved one. Life can drag on for years or come at us in a second. How COVID has affected us