

Celebration of Life for Jesus of Nazareth

It may be Friday, but Sunday is Coming

Easter Sunday will be here in a few short days. Christians all over the world will celebrate our Savior’s victory over sin and death. The entire Christian faith is centered on Jesus’ raising from the dead. However, we rarely think of Easter without first being reminded of Good Friday. Of course, there is nothing “good” about it since that’s the day we remember Jesus nailed to the Jewish cross and crucified. There seems to be a theme that emerges from these two events – How COVID has affected us
1 Corinthians 15

Easter – Resurrection Sunday

Easter is Sunday, April 4. This is the day we set aside to celebrate the resurrection of our leader, Jesus Christ. Why is this holiday important? Why is it significant? And what makes it different than other holidays? The resurrection of Jesus from the grave is the most important event in Christianity. In the garden of Eden man sinned and had been condemned to death. Death had the final say. Death put an end to any life, any goodness, any future How COVID has affected us
American Flag with cross image


This is the anniversary of 9/11, a horrific event in the history of our nation. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when the planes hit the towers. Events like this shake our emotions so violently that they carve a lasting memory in our minds. The emotional impact of the event is what makes the memory so vivid and long-lasting. As a Christian, there is another significant event, equally horrific, that I recall. And even though How COVID has affected us