Judgy McJudgerson
The easiest way to lose my respect is to hear someone judging someone else. I will often become super defensive of the person being judged when this occurs. I’d like to pretend it’s because I’m a really good person but I know the truth. It’s because I fear judgment from God. Matthew 7:1-5 has always resonated with me. “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with How COVID has affected us
God’s Justice
Our nation has watched the televised trial of Derek Chauvin vs. George Floyd over the past 2 weeks. As I write this, the verdict is about to be read. 12 jurors spent just over 10 hours deciding the outcome. The hope for many is that this will be a guilty verdict on all 3 counts and a step towards justice. Many have said not only is the police officer on trial here, but also the American justice system. Many fear How COVID has affected us