

Becky McDermont on a short-term mission trip to the Dominican Republic

Faith In Action – The Sheep and the Goats

The Sheep and the Goats – Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus tells a parable in the gospel of Matthew about Judgment Day when all the nations will be gathered before him. He says this will happen when the “Son of Man” returns to the earth. In essence, He is saying, “Ok. Time’s up. Game’s over. Let’s see how we did.”  The King, Jesus, proceeds to separate all the people from every tribe, tongue, and nation into two groups. One, the “sheep” or How COVID has affected us

KCC to help put on new roof

KCC is part of a roofing project for a local widow. She was been living in a house with a leaking roof, using buckets to catch the water when it rains. Freedom builders of Traverse City, members of the Amish community, and KCC have all committed to putting a new roof on for her. The schedule, weather permitting, is: Thursday, October 6th at 9:00 am – Stripping existing shingles Friday, October 7th at 9:00 am – Roof Repair and Weather How COVID has affected us

To Serve, or to Leave for Someone Else to Handle

When I was younger, I remember watching a show called “Dirty Jobs”. The host would venture into some of the dirtiest and disgusting jobs that keep America going. From sewers and fuel tanks, all the way to animal dung, host Mike Rowe got down and dirty with American workers in jobs that most of us probably never knew existed. The fact is, If it wasn’t for these jobs and the hardworking Americans that handle them, many of the luxuries we enjoy today wouldn’t How COVID has affected us
Manistee Church Roof

How Great is Our God?

Monday we started on the roofing project for Manistee Church of Christ.  I was told by the recon team (Jeff Badgero) that we were going to have to strip the old shingles off.  The job then became bigger in my head.  He suggested we have a plan to start stripping shingles so that we could re-shingle on Saturday.  The project became overwhelming in my head.  I had quite a few people tell me they couldn’t get on the roof due How COVID has affected us
E-News Article - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Well Done

By Andy Bratton, Senior Minister Today I received a call from someone explaining to me that their family had tested positive for Covid and would be on “lockdown” for a couple of weeks.  I expressed to this person that if they needed anything to make sure and let me know and to not be shy.  This person went on to share that a certain person in our church went and grocery shopped for this person and their neighbor to make How COVID has affected us