By Andy Bratton, Senior Minister |
Today I received a call from someone explaining to me that their family had tested positive for Covid and would be on “lockdown” for a couple of weeks. I expressed to this person that if they needed anything to make sure and let me know and to not be shy. This person went on to share that a certain person in our church went and grocery shopped for this person and their neighbor to make sure they had what they needed and could stay quarantined.
Early in the pandemic I reached out to a widow in our church and inquired of her well-being and she shared with me that a family she sits with at church had already been by to make sure she had the groceries she needed.
I received an email from the guy in the lobby after church on Sunday with the clipboard collecting names of people that would be willing to help with a Habitat for Humanity house build for someone in our congregation. The clipboard guy said, “I got more signups than I have gotten on any other Sunday over the last couple months!”
During the Pandemic, we had a request for about five wheelchair ramps and two roof replacements and we had volunteers to cover all of the projects to completion.
During the pandemic we had a family in our church lose their home to a fire. We put out a request for gift cards to bless this family and to help them get back on their feet and while I don’t know or remember the exact number, many of you generously donated to the point of bringing the family to tears.

This last Sunday Tony brought 25 kids that need to be sponsored through Compassion and 15 of you stepped up and committed to donating so that those particular children will be able to have what they need to sustain life and grow into the people God created them to be.
A few weeks ago a golf outing and auction was held to equip the High School clothes pantry now called “Karen’s Kids,” with shoes, coats, and clothing for students in need. I saw many on the golf course and many more of you at the dinner and auction. Over $10,000 was raised that night making the way for not only the High School but also the Middle School pantries to be stocked to help kids.
Tony shared on Sunday the parable Jesus told about the Good Samaritan. I shared from James chapter one about taking care of widows and orphans and in Matthew about making disciples. We both either referenced or read from Matthew 25 about the sheep and the goats. And if you will remember, the sheep are those who took care of the least of these. And in so doing, the “sheep” were serving Jesus.
I share all of the above things to simply say, “Thank you!” Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to this community. I love this church. You all are awesome. Let’s keep the momentum going. Keep looking after your neighbor. Keep checking in on the widows. Keep checking in on the people you share a row with at church. Keep being the people that deliver groceries to porches at 10:00 PM at night because you know it would help. And while we do it for God’s glory, not our own, as you serve listen for the words of Jesus, “well done, good and faithful servant.” KCC Rocks!