

Watch what you say

“Say What?!”

When my mouth would get me in trouble, my mother used to say to me, “We don’t talk that way.” I had to remember that when I disagreed with someone, that I still represented Jesus Christ to the world. So I had to watch my words and my tone.  People know you are a follower of Jesus – and that fact alone should overshadow everything you say and do. It should guide your behavior and your speech.  So when you How COVID has affected us
E-News Article - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Tough Messages

Difficult messages are difficult to deliver.  Whether you have to call someone to give them news you are sure will disappoint them or you have to call someone to tell them you were hurt by words they said or if you have to meet with someone to tell them they were just outright wrong in the information they shared.  Difficult messages are difficult to deliver. From a minister’s standpoint, difficult messages become difficult to deliver when you think some may How COVID has affected us