

KCC Wired Youth lead worship at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Using Your Gifts

I Peter 4:10-11 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.” This verse along with many others such as Romans 12: 3-8, I Corinthians 12:7, and I Timothy 4:14, teaches us How COVID has affected us
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The Next Gen

“He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands.” Psalm 78:5-7 These verses teach us the importance of making sure the next generation knows God, His laws, and How COVID has affected us

Your Teen and Social Media

Let’s discuss three areas that can help you as a parent better understand and connect with your teen when it comes to using Social Media. It can be very daunting for some parents when their children know more than they do about the Social media platforms available on the Internet and Smartphones. Here are some tips to help level the playing field.  1. Keep an open dialog with your teen. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. What app are you using? How COVID has affected us
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Wired Youth – Fall 2023 Launch

Summer is coming to a close and it’s time to get this new school year started! I can hardly believe this will mark the start of my THIRD school year here at KCC!! A ton of prayer and reflection has gone into this past year, and I’m truly excited for what God has in store for this upcoming school year. Right off the bat we’re stepping things up a few notches by launching a new Student Leader initiative at youth group. This initiative will change the How COVID has affected us
kccwired youth at the Kalkaska Church of Christ

What a School Year!

Tonight is our last Youth Group meeting before kicking off our Summer schedule! Normally the school year seems to fly right on by, but this school year has felt longer than normal. I think this is due to the topics we’ve focused and worked on. We dove deep this school year. I handed out a letter to our youth parents at the beginning of this school year outlining the tough topics we’d be tackling, with multiple scriptures for each topic. How COVID has affected us
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Answering the Call

“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25: 40 In the parable of the Sheep and Goats, Jesus made the point that in serving others, we display to God who we truly are. Loving God and loving others are the two greatest commandments. This love that Jesus is talking about is a love that serves others. But ultimately our service to others shows how much we love God as well. How COVID has affected us

Youth Sunday

The school year has started and fall is here; the end of October is rapidly approaching and we all know what that means…Halloween! Whether you cringe and hide in your basement, or deck your halls with decorations and lights as if it were Christmas time, it’s undeniable that Halloween is a big deal in our culture! I could talk about carving jack-o’-lanterns and how the Holy Spirit is like the candle inside. We are dark and dreary without Him, and when He How COVID has affected us
KCC Wired Youth - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Parents of Youth

I see youth (and their families) devoting countless hours, days, and seasons to sports and other team activities. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, I think a ton of positives can come from those sorts of team commitments. BUT…I ask you… are you still prioritizing Jesus (above those commitments) or are you squeezing Him into your crunched schedule? Maybe you’re not spending any time with Him at all. Our relationship with Christ should be above all else. First How COVID has affected us
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Over the years I have had many different “families” whether it was youth group, a sports team, small group, or Church family.  Now, I can add one more family to my story, KCC!  Family is a vital part of being human.  It doesn’t matter if it’s biological, social, or ideological.  No matter how hard you may try, you can’t get away from families, even people who may distance themselves from their family will find a new one wherever they end up.  We naturally gravitate to How COVID has affected us
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