BSF for Women (in person)
Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is an international organization that believes that people discover their true purpose and identity by discovering God through His Word. This fall begins KCC’s second year of hosting this in-depth Bible study for women.

The study will meet in the lower level of KCC each Monday night at 7 PM beginning Monday, September 12, 2022.
BSF uses a 4-fold approach to studying scriptures. You will answer questions, participate in small group discussion, listen to video teaching and explore biblical commentary. An attendance commitment is required.
For more information, call the office at (231) 258-9441 or contact Anita Severance or Lisa Cummings.
BSF for Men (online)
This fall a group of guys will be participating in Bible Study Fellowship online. There are no groups in our area that physically meet. Our goal is to change that for the fall of 2023.
If you would like to join us in being a part of BSF online, go to and find an online group that fits your schedule. Create a login and then find an online group from the list provided.
This year’s topic is right up a guy’s alley. Kings, war, blood, you get the picture. We will then set up a time for the guys participating online to gather and compare notes and teaching. We would love to have you.