I’ve never had a green thumb…in fact, I might be a serial plant murderer. When I receive a plant as a gift I smile and cringe inside. I wonder how long the poor plant will make it before I neglect it. One year for Mother’s Day I got two plants for my front porch. I kept them alive all the way until August! That was my record until one rainy day in November of 2019, a friend from my Titus 2 women’s bible study group gave me a palm plant. She had picked up 7. One for every woman in the group. They were all pretty healthy looking except for one. She apologized and offered to take that one but it was all the store had left. I volunteered to take the sad-looking palm because let’s face it.. its future was bleak with me anyway!

Well, I took that sad palm and managed to keep it alive until summer. In fact, it had grown so much that I had to transplant it into a bigger pot. I kept it outside for much of the summer and when it started to get colder I panicked. I had grown rather attached to this plant and I didn’t want it to die. Someone suggested putting it in my shower and that was great! I saw it every morning and remembered to water it.
I’ve called this plant my friendship palm from the beginning, probably because it was given to me by a friend. Recently, I’ve been thinking about how similar it is to friendship. Sometimes I remember to water it and it thrives. Sometimes I’m busy or gone and it starts to wilt.
This is a good analogy for friendship or better yet our relationship with God. Sometimes we get busy, and we forget that we need to be fed spiritually. Sometimes we grow but don’t transplant ourselves into a bigger pot so we can spread our wings. This could mean not reaching out to others when we are in need or not reaching out to help others. Sometimes we get comfortable in our small pot and we don’t realize that it is slowly killing us. We are meant to be fed, we are meant to grow in God’s word, and we are meant to share our journey with others.
Make sure that you are reaching out to others, whether it is to help others, or to ask for help. We are not meant to be on this journey of life alone!