Posts from July 2023
BUS Project
KCC is partnering with Kalkaska Public Schools to provide backpacks, underwear, and school supplies for students this fall. You can help us by purchasing items from the list below and returning them to the church lobby by August 20, 2023. Download the postcard
Who is My Neighbor?
Who is My Neighbor? I just finished my second year as the High School dean at Wilderness Christian Assembly a couple of weeks ago. It was an exciting week of learning and fun! This year’s camp theme was “Who is My Neighbor” which is taken from the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke chapter 10. We spent the week learning what it truly means to be a good neighbor, who our true neighbors are, and why it is so important to be a good How COVID has affected us
Exploring ChatGPT from Openai for church
Today I received an article in my email inbox titled, “5 insanely practical ways for churches to use AI.” That is ironic because I was going to try to use the most popular AI, called ChatGPT to write this week’s E-News article. ChatGPT is self-defined as “an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on context and past conversations.” ChatGPT can literally carry on a conversation with you, teach you a new language, write copy for advertising, summarize an article How COVID has affected us
Faith In Action – The Sheep and the Goats
The Sheep and the Goats – Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus tells a parable in the gospel of Matthew about Judgment Day when all the nations will be gathered before him. He says this will happen when the “Son of Man” returns to the earth. In essence, He is saying, “Ok. Time’s up. Game’s over. Let’s see how we did.” The King, Jesus, proceeds to separate all the people from every tribe, tongue, and nation into two groups. One, the “sheep” or How COVID has affected us
Planting Seeds
Some days I question whether I am making a difference. I wonder if the lessons I am teaching are reaching the kids. It is a hard balance to keep their attention, help them to learn a lesson, and have games and crafts pertaining to the story to help it stick. Often, despite my best efforts, they will walk away remembering the “fun” and not necessarily the lesson. I always think of the parable of the sower from Matthew 13. “That same How COVID has affected us
By the time everyone reads this I will be at Bowling Green State University with our some of our high schoolers for a weeklong convention called CIY Move. The theme for this year’s convention is Nevertheless. This is taken from Galatians 2:20 (KJV). In this verse, Paul declares that he has crucified himself with Christ and the new life he lives is not his own, but Christ’s. Too often times, people treat Church like a drive through or supermarket. We roll up in How COVID has affected us