Posts from 2023 (Page 5)

Posts from 2023 (Page 5)

Ash Wednesday cross

Beauty in the Ashes

I went to the hospital to see someone today.  As I was going into the elevator, a guy was facing me that had a cross drawn on his forehead.  The cross was drawn using ash.  It then, of course, dawned on me that today was Ash Wednesday.  As I understand it, in the eighth century the practice of Ash Wednesday started and two centuries later the addition of the cross drawn with ashes was added.Ash Wednesday starts a time of How COVID has affected us
Valentine's Day Hearts

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

In Mark 12, one of the leaders asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was. He said that the first was to love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your mind and all of your soul. And the second was to love your neighbor as yourself. I was thinking about this last night and I thought, if I loved my neighbor based on how I love myself or treat myself, my neighbor would be in How COVID has affected us

Are Dragons Real?

If you were to ask what my favorite “mythical” animal was, without hesitation, I would say: Dragons. If you were to ask what my favorite book of the Bible was, I would tell you: Job. “Why Job you ask?” I’ll answer that in just a moment. Throughout human history, in almost every society of man, there have been legends and myths. Fairy tales, books, movies, and games have captivated many in regard to dragons. Cultures as diverse as the Chinese, Babylonians, Peruvians, How COVID has affected us
Kalkaska Church of Christ E-News Article

Ecclesiastical Expectations – What Do You Expect From the Church?

This 3-part article deals with ecclesiastical expectations. It is a two-way relationship between you and your church. Here are the questions we will be focusing on: What do you expect from the church?What does your church expect from you? What does the Bible teach in regard to these expectations? This post will address the first question: What do you expect from the church? More specifically, What do you see is the purpose of the local church? Why do they exist? Most likely, you How COVID has affected us
Kalkaska Church of Christ E-News Article

Going Broke (and I’m not talking about money)

Psalm 51 was written by David after the prophet Nathan confronted him about what he did to Uriah and Bathsheba.  It is a song of repentance.  In verses 16 and 17 he wrote, “You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one.  You do not want a burnt offering.  The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit.  You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.” If you track scripture you will see that David’s statements How COVID has affected us
Kalkaska Church of Christ E-News Article


Are you a peacemaker or a pot stirrer? Of course, there are things in the middle but at the end of the day, there are generally these two general categories. I’m embarrassed to say that at times in my life I have instigated things or stirred the pot. Keeping the peace is something that I strive for. No one wants drama and turmoil in their life. But if you are a peacemaker is that just a nice word for doormat? Sometimes How COVID has affected us

Kalkaska Fellowship of Christian Athletes

I am excited to share something exciting and new that has come to Kalkaska High school! Myself and Mike Ponstein have started an FCA group for high school athletes. FCA stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes and is an international organization in almost twenty thousand different schools (Middle School through College),and 114 countries.  The focus of the organization is to use sports as an avenue to reach athletes and coaches with the gospel of Jesus. We had our first “huddle” this past Tuesday, and How COVID has affected us

Changing to the NEW

I enjoy new things, don’t you? New sweaters. New socks. New books. New family members. Every Christmas you probably receive something that is new to you. We recently passed into the new year 2023, so people are making resolutions to start something new. It could be losing weight, eating better, saving money, etc. It’s exciting and promising! Many times “New” comes with “Change.” And change is what is sometimes hard to do. I don’t like to CHANGE my phone even How COVID has affected us
Happy New Year 2023 from Kalkaska Church of Christ

What’s NEXT (New EXciting Time)

What’s NEXT (New EXciting Time)Another year is almost in the books.  How has 2022 been for you?  If you did an assessment of the year, would you label it, “Exceeded Expectations,” “Met Expectations,” “Neither Exceeded nor Met Expectations,” “Did not Exceed Expectations,” “Didn’t even come close to Exceeding or Meeting Expectations,” or “I didn’t have any expectations”?And what topics or headings would you use to decide how the year was?  Would you look at your financial situation now compared to How COVID has affected us
E-News Article - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Ode to My Coworkers

Andy is our fearless leader…but his wife Lisa, you have to meet her, together they make a hospitable team helping guide us toward heaven…what a dream!  The Severi Family is pretty special they allow Christ to use them as a vessel Tim knows everything technology, and Anita must have a minor in psychology!  Ephraim and Molly are the new kids on the block they have the keys to teenagers unlock Miss Freya is as sweet as can beWe are thankful How COVID has affected us