Posts from 2022 (Page 2)

Posts from 2022 (Page 2)

School Children

Interactive Article

Ok friends! This is an interactive article! You will need a stopwatch or timer of some sort and you will need some time to pray. I’ve done “guided prayers” a few times and they can be very powerful and I love how intentional they are. They are helpful when I’ve set aside an hour of prayer or when I’ve been asked to pray for an hour. (This won’t be an hour although if you would like to extend your times How COVID has affected us
KCC Wired Youth - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Parents of Youth

I see youth (and their families) devoting countless hours, days, and seasons to sports and other team activities. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, I think a ton of positives can come from those sorts of team commitments. BUT…I ask you… are you still prioritizing Jesus (above those commitments) or are you squeezing Him into your crunched schedule? Maybe you’re not spending any time with Him at all. Our relationship with Christ should be above all else. First How COVID has affected us
BSF - Bible Study Fellowship - Kalkaska Church of Christ

BSF – Bible Study Fellowship

BSF for Women (in person) Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is an international organization that believes that people discover their true purpose and identity by discovering God through His Word.  This fall begins KCC’s second year of hosting this in-depth Bible study for women. The study will meet in the lower level of KCC each Monday night at 7 PM beginning Monday, September 12, 2022.    BSF uses a 4-fold approach to studying scriptures. You will answer questions, participate in small group discussion, listen How COVID has affected us
Balloons and Flowers

Loss to Life

Tears were shed. Suppressed sobs echoed throughout the room. The minister spoke words of comfort as family members and friends sat quietly ruminating on their loved one. A faithful father or mother, loving brother or sister, exiting this life into the next. The loss is palpable and long-lasting for those left behind. No amount of condolences nor homemade meals will take away the pain. It must be endured for months, even years to come.  You may have endured the loss How COVID has affected us
Joy jumping person

Take a Second and Smile

Summer is almost over, school is getting ready to start, gas prices are high, grocery store prices are skyrocketing, and the housing marketing they say is cooling but try finding a place to buy or rent around here, we haven’t had enough rain, monkeypox is on the move, Covid is here and then gone and then here and then gone, summer colds are kicking us around, and what is up with my golf game?  I can’t buy a birdie or How COVID has affected us

Judgy McJudgerson

The easiest way to lose my respect is to hear someone judging someone else. I will often become super defensive of the person being judged when this occurs. I’d like to pretend it’s because I’m a really good person but I know the truth. It’s because I fear judgment from God. Matthew 7:1-5 has always resonated with me.  “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with How COVID has affected us
Fruit in the Garden of Eden with Snake

I like Chocolate, and you?

In 1983, Christian singer, Steve Tayor, asked “Whatever happened to sin?” Seems people were doing whatever they wanted without any concern as to what God wanted. Not that this is anything new. Since the beginning of time, we have seen a steady erosion of the concept of sin.  The word “sin” in today’s modern world has become a word either relegated to the church or used only as a joke. Sin is seen as old-fashioned and outdated. It’s not really relevant to How COVID has affected us
summer trail in the woods

Don’t Judge Someone Else’s Journey

It is so hard sometimes to not be judgmental. We may look at someone else’s choices and wonder why on earth they would do what they do. The truth is we have not walked in their shoes. Even if we have had the same experience, it will be different from person to person.   A few days ago I hiked with my sister on the north country trail. We hiked around 50 miles total last year and I really enjoyed it. How COVID has affected us
American Flag - Kalkaska Church of Christ

‘Merica: God’s Country?

July 4th is coming up and we all know what that means, right? American flags will come out of the closet. Churches will gear up for their independence day services. Patriotic songs like “God Bless America” and “This Land is Your Land” will be blasted over the radio. OH, and let’s not forget the most important part…FIREWORKS! In all the hustle and bustle going on during this time of year, we can lose sight of where our true patriotism should lie. Let me How COVID has affected us


  Celebration! This weekend our country celebrates the declaration of independence from Britain in July 4, 1776. In addition to our freedom, we have much to celebrate as Americans. What do we have to celebrate as Christians? Let’s take a quick look at scripture. There are Biblical reasons for celebration. Celebrate when others celebrate Romans 12:15 says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Celebrate when good things happen to your neighbors, family, and friends. Lift them up with encouraging words. Give them a gift. Throw a party! Just celebrate with others who How COVID has affected us