Church News (Page 3)

Church News (Page 3)

News from the KCC family.

Red starry background with silhouette of couple


LOVING YOUR SPOUSE LIKE JESUS LOVES US I will never pretend to be an expert in anything. I wanted to write today about marriage. I have been married for 23.5 years. That may seem like a drop in the bucket to some of my older friends. And it may seem like an eternity to younger people. The truth is, it’s both! Depending on your perspective. Honestly, sometimes it feels like both to me! On our good days, I can fondly think, I How COVID has affected us
Ten Commandments Background

The Big 10

When thinking about the Ten Commandments, many view them as a bunch of outdated rules that we must follow to make God happy. Others, feel as though they are an impossible list to keep, so they don’t even try. Some even view them as God’s attempt to keep us from having fun. Many people misunderstand what the Ten Commandments are, but if we understood the context in which they were given they would truly come alive in a way we’ve How COVID has affected us
Kalkaska Church of Christ backdrop

KCc Welcomes James Trumble as Elder

In a momentous decision on January 21, 2024, the Kalkaska Church of Christ approved the selection of James Trumble to the KCC board of Elders. This appointment marks a significant chapter in the life of a man whose journey of faith has been deeply intertwined with a passion for spreading the gospel and a commitment to living a life set apart for God’s glory. As someone who grew up in a Christian household, James Trumble reflects on his early years How COVID has affected us

How to Have a Digital Faith

A digital faith? What does that even mean? Well, if you think of a computer or more specifically, a computer language, you can get some insight. When you dumb down a computer language whether it be Perl, C++, Python, Cobol, or whatever, it boils down to bits and bytes. Those bits are are made up of 0’s and 1’s. Like a light switch, they are either on or off, yes or no, true or false. It’s pretty simple.  What does that have How COVID has affected us

Wait…God Hates?

I read a disturbing Psalm this week during my daily Bible reading.  It said some things that I never want to associate with God.  At the top of the Psalm, it simply says, “For the choir director: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by the flute.”  There is no description of when David would have written it and what context in which he would have written it. It starts as a cry for help.  “O Lord, hear me as How COVID has affected us
E-News article from Kalkaska Church of Christ

Life is a Highway

“Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.”  Proverbs 4:25-27 Poor driving habits are a serious pet-peeve of mine – and they seem to come out in force during the holidays. Specifically, the habits that put others in danger. Like what, you ask? High-speed lane changes in heavy traffic, How COVID has affected us

Confessions of a Planner

Are you guys planning stuff for summer right now? Fun fact, I start getting Vacation Bible School stuff ready in January! The dust has barely settled on Christmas and I’ve ordered the curriculum! When it shows up in January, It’s like Christmas again! I get to open the tin, sort through the items, and start planning!  I recently learned that I LOVE to plan things. I’m not sure why. I think it’s the anticipation of what is to come – How COVID has affected us

A Christmas Story Quiz

In October, we shot a Christmas video with children from our Wednesday After School Program (WASP). These are kids in Kindergarten through 2nd grade. We’ll premiere the video at our church’s Christmas Eve program this month. We sat the children down and asked them questions about the Christmas story. Overall, they did quite well recalling the story of the Nativity. However, some of their answers raised an eyebrow.  Here is a quiz on the Christmas story based on some of the children’s How COVID has affected us


As Christians, we are commanded to love. It’s not always easy to love others through the hurt and challenges. God’s love serves as the ultimate example, the purest expression of selflessness. It is a love that knows no bounds, embracing us in our flaws and imperfections. Love is not passive; it is an active choice. In choosing to love, we align ourselves with a force that has the power to heal wounds, bridge divides, and bring light into the darkest How COVID has affected us
Hands in the shape of a heart

The Power of Love (Not Huey Lewis)

As Christians, we are commanded to love. It’s not always easy to love others through the hurt and challenges. God’s love serves as the ultimate example, the purest expression of selflessness. It is a love that knows no bounds, embracing us in our flaws and imperfections. Love is not passive; it is an active choice. In choosing to love, we align ourselves with a force that has the power to heal wounds, bridge divides, and bring light into the darkest How COVID has affected us