Church News (Page 3)

Church News (Page 3)

News from the KCC family.

The Amazing Grace Race from Octane kid's ministry in Kalkaska.

Amazing Grace Race

Last week was one of my favorite weeks that I do with the Octane kids. We did an Amazing Grace Race. It is similar to the Amazing Race show, where teams have to complete tasks. At each challenge, they received a food item to put together a Thanksgiving basket. After the baskets are compiled the teams made cards to go with the baskets.  The kids all enjoyed the game, but the best part was knowing that they were doing something How COVID has affected us
Teaching the youth the Bible is as important as ever

The Talk

This past week we tackled a big subject at youth group…Pornography. I’m sure some of you just ran and hid under a piece of furniture, started sweating, or just got really uncomfortable. Don’t worry!! That is not what I am talking about in this article. Some of you might ask, “Why are you talking about that in youth group?”. 30+ years ago I might be asking the same question. However, in the culture we live in today, there are so How COVID has affected us
Faith and a mustard seed

Boosting Your Faith: 3 Practical Steps

Faith is defined by dictionary.com as “confidence in a person or thing.” When we are talking about the Christian faith, we are putting our faith in God (the person) and the Bible (the thing). Confidence is a term that can be increased or decreased like a thermostat. We can turn a thermostat in our home up to give us more heat. Likewise, if someone turns the thermostat down, the temperature will change accordingly. Placing our confidence in a person or a thing can How COVID has affected us

Be Strong and Courageous

During a recent mission trip to the Dominican Republic, I was introduced to Moise (not sure I am spelling his name correctly). He grew up in Haiti and moved to the Dominican I think in his late twenties. He was planted by GO ministries as a pastor to a small community that is part Dominican residents and part Haitian refugees. He has a school that last year had 30+ students and this year has 5. We walked the neighborhood and prayed for the How COVID has affected us

Introducing the DINO Squad

DINO Squad Looking for a way to plug in? There is a new squad at KCC. It’s called the DINO squad. DINO stands for Developing Intergenerational Nurturing Opportunities. The DINO Squad is open to anyone, of any age. Our objective is to go out into the community and visit those who aren’t able to get out, feel a little lonely, or could benefit from smiling faces. We will do visits one Monday a month to begin with but visiting times How COVID has affected us

Concert Postponed

We are sorry to announce that due to illness within the band, Sidewalk Prophets will be postponing their concert that was scheduled for this Saturday, November 4th. Tickets will be honored at a March 2024 date here at Kalkaska Church of Christ.We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
Connecting with God in Worship - Kalkaska Church of Christ

Emotionally Connecting with God in Worship

Music has a remarkable way of stirring our emotions and transcending language barriers. In the realm of worship, music becomes a powerful medium to connect with God on a deep and emotional level. In this article, we will explore the biblical perspective on emotionally connecting with God through musical worship. We are called to be active participants in worship by offering our hearts fully to Him. The Emotional Power of Music The Bible acknowledges the profound impact of music on our How COVID has affected us
E-news blog from Kalkaska Church of Christ


Over the last few weeks, our life group has been diving into the Sermon on the Mount. There are a ton of great messages we get from it: don’t judge, don’t worry or be anxious, and of course, we have the Lord’s Prayer. There are, however, a lot of difficult teachings in there as well: love your enemies, be peacemakers, and equating hate and lust to murder and adultery. There’s one idea that seems to be a common thread throughout the entire sermon How COVID has affected us
E-News Article - Kalkaska Church of Christ


I’ve decided to change the name of my blog. My invisible blog. LOL It was called “Writer’s Block.” It wasn’t easy to find. In fact, when I Google “Writer’s Block” my blog does not come up. Go figure. The term “Writer’s Block” has been circulating for decades so that may have something to do with it.  Anyway, the new title of my blog is “Christian Living in the Digital Age.” This is a blog where I write about the Christian faith, How COVID has affected us
Kalkaska Church of Christ E-News Article

Trust the amplifier

Sunday, during first service, my voice started to leave me.  If you were here or watching online, you heard me comment about it.  Fortunately, my wife gave me some hot tea before second service and things were fine.  The problem I have is that in my mind I don’t think you can hear me and so I talk louder.  If I just talked and allowed the sound guys to amplify my voice I could probably avoid the whole problem. When How COVID has affected us