Posts from 2021 (Page 2)

Posts from 2021 (Page 2)

Operation Christmas Child at KCC

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is here at KCC! There are two ways you can participate. 1. Build a Virtual Shoebox online! We’ve set a goal of 24 online shoeboxes by November 21st. The cost is $25 per box. Pack a box online and avoid the traffic and stores altogether! Start here!2. Pack a physical shoebox! We’ve set a goal of 125 physical shoeboxes by November 21st. Use the how-to directions from the OCC display in the lobby to shop and fill a shoebox for a How COVID has affected us
Philippians 4:6-7

Emotionally Challenged

By Darrell Boger, Worship Leader “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 October is a month of great, predictable change. Historically it has proven to be a difficult month for me.  The same challenges seem larger and more daunting and routine tasks become more How COVID has affected us

The Fruit of the Spirit

It is the first week of our after-school programs! I am sooo excited! After a shortened year two years ago and last year, it is a relief to be meeting again. I would love your prayers for these kids. They have been through a lot. For some of the younger kids, they haven’t ever had a normal year.  This year we will be learning the Fruit of the Spirit. I am so glad that this is what we will be How COVID has affected us
E-News Article - Kalkaska Church of Christ


Over the years I have had many different “families” whether it was youth group, a sports team, small group, or Church family.  Now, I can add one more family to my story, KCC!  Family is a vital part of being human.  It doesn’t matter if it’s biological, social, or ideological.  No matter how hard you may try, you can’t get away from families, even people who may distance themselves from their family will find a new one wherever they end up.  We naturally gravitate to How COVID has affected us
Watch what you say

“Say What?!”

When my mouth would get me in trouble, my mother used to say to me, “We don’t talk that way.” I had to remember that when I disagreed with someone, that I still represented Jesus Christ to the world. So I had to watch my words and my tone.  People know you are a follower of Jesus – and that fact alone should overshadow everything you say and do. It should guide your behavior and your speech.  So when you How COVID has affected us

What Do You Love About Being a Follower of Jesus?

This morning I received a call from a “Connecting Agent” out of Grand Rapids.  Lisa and I are selling our house and planning to move across town. (No, we aren’t leaving KCC. You can’t get rid of me that easily)  Anyway, as I was talking with this guy he was asking me about our house and what was so great about it.  And so I started to tell him.  We have a great neighborhood and a great yard and we How COVID has affected us
Covid Vaccine

A Covid Rant

An exert from Andy Bratton’s Morning Dive on Friday, August 20, 2021 I need to vent. I hope that’s okay. All right. And not everybody’s gonna agree with my vent. But I need to vent and here’s my venting.  Please don’t challenge my faith in Jesus because I got a vaccination or I wear a mask. Don’t do it. There is nothing spiritual about COVID, vaccines and masks, nothing. I looked, I can’t find anything in the Bible about pandemics. I How COVID has affected us

The Cost of Discipleship

For two more Sundays we are going to look at the topic of Discipleship and what it means to be a disciple and why we should follow Jesus.  I think one of the biggest misnomers in our world is that a relationship with Jesus stops at the baptismal or as some would say, “when someone bends the knee.”  And it is challenging to address because we point everyone to “making a decision.”  In making a decision we instruct people they How COVID has affected us
Severe Storm Warning Article from Kalkaska Church of Christ

Emergency Warnings

Kalkaska had a HUGE storm last night. Actually, most of the state of Michigan had storms. I know this because it was starting to get bad out, so I turned on the TV and there were Thunderstorm warnings all over the ticker at the bottom of the TV screen. The warnings are there so that we all know it’s coming and so that we can prepare. If you were watching TV last night or on the internet or even looked How COVID has affected us
Summer Games and Faith

Summer Games and Faith

The Summer Olympic Games are happening in Toyko, Japan this week. Over 11,000 athletes from all over the world representing 206 countries are competing for their homeland and prestigious gold, silver, and bronze medals. Each athlete represents countless hours of practice, sacrifice, and dedication to their sport. They discipline themselves through diet and exercise in such a way to become one of the best in their game. The training is both physical and mental as they push their bodies to How COVID has affected us