It is the first week of our after-school programs! I am sooo excited! After a shortened year two years ago and last year, it is a relief to be meeting again. I would love your prayers for these kids. They have been through a lot. For some of the younger kids, they haven’t ever had a normal year.
This year we will be learning the Fruit of the Spirit. I am so glad that this is what we will be doing this year. I think a lot of times we forget that we have the gift of the Holy Spirit. I have the fruit of the spirit memorized thanks to a nifty little kids’ song, but as I was reading through the scripture, the verses immediately following the list are is timely and important.
Galatians 5:25 says, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Have you ever tried to keep in step with someone that is way out of your league? Trying to keep the same pace as my 6’3 husband can be a challenge..but if we are walking together I generally fall into pace with him. If we are walking somewhere that I’m not excited about, I may complain and ask him to slow down. But recently we went to Disney World and I was cruising! I didn’t even realize it because we are traveling together with the same goal. I hope we are traveling together with the same goal as the Holy Spirit.
Verse 26 goes on to say, “Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.” OUCH! How often in the last year or two have you thought who you voted for was better than who they voted for? How often have you “provoked” or started an argument or debate with someone? How often have you been jealous or envious of someone else’s situation? OUCH, OUCH, OUCH. Please remember that we walk with the Holy Spirit. We are trying to keep in step with the Holy Spirit. Be a blessing to others, not a provoker. Love each other. Have Joy! Practice and contribute to Peace. Be Patient. BE KIND. Be good. Be Faithful. Be Gentle, you don’t know what others are going through. This last one is a doozy…practice self-control.