Posts from 2021 (Page 4)

Posts from 2021 (Page 4)

T-Ball kids

The Kids of Summer

Monday night before the Root Beer Bar Bible study at church (which was awesome by the way), I ventured over to the baseball fields to take in a little tee ball.  I thought maybe I could do some scouting for the Tigers and discover the next Miggy.  While there I walked up to the third base side fence and watched with some friends an inning or so.  I don’t know if there is anything much cuter than a 4-5 year How COVID has affected us

Advice for Graduates and Ourselves

I found a verse a few years ago while looking for a good “graduation verse”. It is still my favorite piece of advice to give a graduate. It’s found in Matthew 10:16.  It says, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves.  Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent a doves.”  What great advice to give a child that you love as they go out into the big bad world. We want them to be wise and on guard, like How COVID has affected us
Ephesians 2:10

Do vs. Done or Done now Do?

A church I once belonged to was doing some training on how to evangelize.  And the material we were using used an illustration in trying to explain religion vs. Christianity.  The book described religion as something people do.  Most people think of religion as something you are supposed to be a part of and do in order to obtain salvation.  They referred to it as a works based faith.  Meaning, that you can’t get to Heaven without working to get How COVID has affected us
Resetting Influence


We are beginning a sermon series entitled influencers. When I hear the word influencers I think of trend setters, people that society looks at to know what is the latest and greatest gadget etc. If I find a product I love, I shout it’s praises to the rooftops. If I eat at a delicious restaurant I give them a great review. If you think about it, we are all influencers to those around us…but what are we telling them about? How COVID has affected us
Judge Peter Cayhill

God’s Justice

Our nation has watched the televised trial of Derek Chauvin vs. George Floyd over the past 2 weeks. As I write this, the verdict is about to be read. 12 jurors spent just over 10 hours deciding the outcome. The hope for many is that this will be a guilty verdict on all 3 counts and a step towards justice. Many have said not only is the police officer on trial here, but also the American justice system. Many fear How COVID has affected us
Proverbs 22:6

Reflections of a soon-to-be empty nester

My youngest son’s graduation from college is about two weeks away.  Looking forward to that has given me time to reflect on raising our sons as one is in the workforce and the other is about to enter the workforce.  I was reading a book recently a guy wrote about his 50 years in ministry.  In the book, he identifies ten things he would have done differently and ten things he would have done the same.  Given we are in How COVID has affected us
Feed a camper

Feed a Camper

The KCC annual food drive for Wilderness Christian Assembly camp is April 11 – April 25, 2021. The camp is planning on about 100 campers this summer. The first Sunday, April 11th, we are asking our church body to sponsor breakfast at $2 per camper.  The second Sunday, April 18th, we are asking our church body to sponsor lunch for campers at $3 per camper. The third Sunday, April 25th, we are asking the church body to sponsor supper for campers at $4 per camper.   How COVID has affected us
1 Corinthians 15

Easter – Resurrection Sunday

Easter is Sunday, April 4. This is the day we set aside to celebrate the resurrection of our leader, Jesus Christ. Why is this holiday important? Why is it significant? And what makes it different than other holidays? The resurrection of Jesus from the grave is the most important event in Christianity. In the garden of Eden man sinned and had been condemned to death. Death had the final say. Death put an end to any life, any goodness, any future How COVID has affected us
Kids on Bus

Lord Willing

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to take 16 of our 4th and 5th grade students on an overnight trip to Grand Rapids. Normally we go to Chicago for the  CIY Superstart! Conference. We didn’t get to go last year because of Covid and they cancelled the in person conference this year. Thankfully they did a virtual conference so we were able to still have it with some improvisations.  If anyone is wondering how this pandemic has changed How COVID has affected us
Louisville Slugger Bat

Baseball For Believers

Last fall I was able to attend a conference in southern Indiana for preachers.  There were only nine of us.  I have shared bits of the story on stage and probably in an Enews article in previous months.  As part of the trip, they usually take the group to the Louisville Slugger Museum in downtown Louisville, KY.  However, because of riots and protests taking place at the time, the museum was not open for visitors.  Hearing from other guys that How COVID has affected us