Posts by Ephraim Costilow (Page 3)

Posts by Ephraim Costilow (Page 3)

Give Me a Break!

Last week Kalkaska was on spring break. Many took the time to travel and get away from all their busy lives. I felt this would be a great time to talk about ‘REST’. Many times, we allow ourselves to get so “caught up” with work, school, family, friends, and extracurricular activities that we run ourselves right out of energy. This is why it’s so important to take time to rest and recuperate. But… is it right to take time for ourselves? Isn’t that selfish How COVID has affected us

The Unluckiest of Heroes

Last week we started a new series in Youth Group called ‘Unknown Heroes of the Bible’. We’re examining some of the lesser-known people who were used by God to do some amazing things. Most of us are familiar with Abraham, Mary, and John, but what about everyone else? These people are in the Bible for a reason; what did they do? How can we learn from their acts? This is one of the many reasons I love God’s word. It’s filled How COVID has affected us
What is love?

What is Love?

I love (fill in the blank). From pizza to puppies, movies to music, sand to sandwiches; our world is overflowing with things we “love”. In addition to loving so many things, our world is filled with a longing to be loved individually. Regardless of how many things or how many people we surround ourselves with, that longing for “true love” never seems quenched.  Think back on the wedding scene from the AMAZING movie The Princess Bride. The Priest, standing up proclaiming “Wuv, True Wuv, Will How COVID has affected us

Parables and YOU

Stories. Everybody loves a good story.  At least, I know I do! The best stories are the ones that are relatable and believable; ones that you can just lose yourself in. Jesus was a master at telling good stories. His stories about everyday life painted a perfect picture of what it was like to live in the kingdom of God. His stories made people’s heads turn. That is why I have chosen to focus on some of these amazing stories during Youth Group for the month of How COVID has affected us
Magi from the East

King of the Jews

Matthew 2:1-2, “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.’” Most scholars believe these magi (or wise men) were astrologers or astronomers; men who studied the stars and planets. The Bible says they came from the east following a star that led them How COVID has affected us

Whose Team Are You On?

One of the first things you’ll learn about me is that I’m a HUGE sports fan. As a kid, baseball was my first love. I started playing basketball when I was in Junior-High, and ended up playing all through College. I learned many lessons in my years playing basketball; lessons about the game, life, and even some spiritual lessons.  I went to a Christian High School, so sports were never just about the game. My coach focused just as much How COVID has affected us

To Serve, or to Leave for Someone Else to Handle

When I was younger, I remember watching a show called “Dirty Jobs”. The host would venture into some of the dirtiest and disgusting jobs that keep America going. From sewers and fuel tanks, all the way to animal dung, host Mike Rowe got down and dirty with American workers in jobs that most of us probably never knew existed. The fact is, If it wasn’t for these jobs and the hardworking Americans that handle them, many of the luxuries we enjoy today wouldn’t How COVID has affected us
E-News Article - Kalkaska Church of Christ


Over the years I have had many different “families” whether it was youth group, a sports team, small group, or Church family.  Now, I can add one more family to my story, KCC!  Family is a vital part of being human.  It doesn’t matter if it’s biological, social, or ideological.  No matter how hard you may try, you can’t get away from families, even people who may distance themselves from their family will find a new one wherever they end up.  We naturally gravitate to How COVID has affected us