Give Me a Break!

Give Me a Break!

Last week Kalkaska was on spring break. Many took the time to travel and get away from all their busy lives. I felt this would be a great time to talk about ‘REST’. Many times, we allow ourselves to get so “caught up” with work, school, family, friends, and extracurricular activities that we run ourselves right out of energy. This is why it’s so important to take time to rest and recuperate. But… is it right to take time for ourselves? Isn’t that selfish of us?

The short answer is NO! All throughout the gospels Jesus took time to Himself. He knew that He needed time by Himself, alone with God. He repeatedly called His disciples to follow His example and find a remote place or hillside to have some alone time. Jesus knew full well the importance of resting. News Flash: If Jesus needed time to rest, recover, refocus, then so do we! All of us should take time here and there to rest. By doing this we can have the energy we need to properly accomplish the tasks that come our way. If your life is crazy busy, you might need to be proactive by purposefully blocking out time for this. It’s worth it. You’re worth it.

God knew the importance of rest as well. When He was finished creating the heavens and earth, He took the seventh day off; He rested. When God gave the Israelites the ten commandments, He told them to work for six days and rest on the seventh just as He did during creation. God knows we need this time. Make the time. Take the time. Taking rest is more than rejuvenating your body. You need to rejuvenate your soul.

I hope you all were able to take a page out of our Creators book this past week. If you weren’t, pencil it in! Get some much-needed rest. Make rest a habit in your life. Remember, rest is needed; You’ve earned it, BUT most importantly God told us to do it.

Hebrews 4:3a Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said.