

How’s your security? In the last week, I’ve been locked out of my email account and had my debit card # stolen. It’s frustrating! There are safe walls in place for these things but sometimes things fall through the cracks. 

My email was frustrating because everywhere I turned to get it back I hit a brick wall. I couldn’t figure out what happened or how to fix it. I wonder if this is how the people in the Bible felt when Noah and his ark floated away and were swept away by water. WHAT IS HAPPENING? Because friends…this was me. Upon further inspection, Google had been trying to tell me for months, dare I say a year, that my storage was full. So I did what anyone would do and chose to ignore it. I spent most of Monday deleting files so that I could actually get into my email and the emails that I had missed, I never was able to recover. My stubbornness led to this consequence. I will learn from this mistake, (hopefully), but isn’t it easy to judge others when they don’t heed warnings? I really had to sit and wonder if I would have climbed on to Noah’s Ark. He said the same thing day after day to the point that it probably turned into white noise. Like when I worked at the hospital and they would be working on the alarm systems. The alarms would go off and we would all go about our business. Sometimes you get numb to the same message. It doesn’t get less important. We just get numb. 

Now when my debit card had fraudulent activity I was on high alert. I got a text last night from the bank about a $375 charge and then again this morning about another charge. I did not hesitate! I took action! I called and canceled my card. I wonder why that warning was received so differently? Probably because it didn’t say, “Hey! This thing is going to happen if you don’t do this.” it said, “Hey! This thing JUST happened!” Both were valid warnings but I only took one of them seriously.

One thing that I never want to become numb to is the Word of GOD. Jesus tells us so many things. I don’t want to be asleep at the wheel for any of them. I know that I fail at things every day. But I am so thankful that Jesus came to save ME. I want to be faithful to Him and listen to Him. 

Matthew 28:18-20 says, Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Maybe you’ve heard these verses 1,000 times and it doesn’t cause you to spring into action. But I pray that it does. There is so much in those verses. It shows his authority, it gives us a mission, and it gives us hope and a promise of a reward that is out of this world!