Stories. Everybody loves a good story. At least, I know I do! The best stories are the ones that are relatable and believable; ones that you can just lose yourself in. Jesus was a master at telling good stories. His stories about everyday life painted a perfect picture of what it was like to live in the kingdom of God. His stories made people’s heads turn. That is why I have chosen to focus on some of these amazing stories during Youth Group for the month of January.
We call the stories that Jesus told parables. Growing up I was told, “they are earthly stories that have a heavenly meaning”. It is true they have a heavenly meaning, but they also apply to the here and now. They are stories that relate to how we as Christians are supposed to live today. Jesus’ stories cover a multitude of topics such as: loving your neighbor, God’s love for us, the importance of obedience, and so much more!
I think that is one of the reasons God gave us the Bible. It is filled with story, after story, after story, showing us how much God loves us. It actually makes His love come alive in a way that just simply saying “I love you” could never do. From Adam and Eve, all the way to Jesus, we see a story of how God endlessly pursues His creation; the creation that was made in His very own image. This is why it’s important for us as Christians to read the Word of God. Reading the Word helps us see (and feel) God’s love for us through all the amazing stories He tells. So let us open up our Bibles and dive in to the amazing story God wants us all to know.