Sermons on Grace

Sermons on Grace

Unleashed Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

BEING a Christian

Sermon Scripture: Acts 15:1-35 Sermon Big Idea:  Becoming a Christian and being a Christian shouldn’t be two different things.  Surrendering to Jesus makes us a Christian and surrendering to Jesus is what being a Christian is all about. Acts 15:1-11 Becoming a Christian is about grace not law. Ephesians 2:4-7 Exodus 4:24-26 Galatians 2:15-16 Matthew 11:28-30 Acts 15:12-21 Being a Christian is surrendering to the authority of Holy Spirit filled Elders. Galatians 2:11-14 Acts 15:24-26,28-29 Being a Christian is a How COVID has affected us

Broken to Beautiful

Have mercy on me, O God,    according to your unfailing love;according to your great compassion    blot out my transgressions.2 Wash away all my iniquity    and cleanse me from my sin. 3 For I know my transgressions,    and my sin is always before me.4 Against you, you only, have I sinned    and done what is evil in your sight;so you are right in your verdict    and justified when you judge.5 Surely I was sinful at birth,    sinful from the time my mother conceived me.6 Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb;    you taught me wisdom in that secret place. How COVID has affected us
Grace is Still Amazing

Leave a Mark

Romans 12:9-15:21 Marks of a Christian Matthew 22:36-40 John 13:35 John 3:16 Love each other (12:9-21; 13:8-14; 14:1-23; 15:1-7) With actions Without judgment With inaction Respect the laws of the land (13:1-7) With humility Without ignorance Preach the Gospel (15:8-21 and Isaiah 66:19; 2 Timothy 4:1-2) With words With new ears
Grace is Still Amazing

In the King’s (not so secret) service

Romans 11:1-12:8 Israel served as God’s people. (11:1-10) All the world blessed through Abraham. (Genesis 12:1-3) From David will come the Messiah. (Isaiah 9:6-7) Jesus is born to Mary and Joseph from the tribe of Judah. (Luke 2:4-7) Gentiles served as God’s message to Israel. (11:11-24) God don’t make junk! (Acts 10:34) Parable of the laborers (Matthew 20:1-16) Gentiles, don’t get the big head Mercy served as God’s reasoning. (11:25-36) All disobey so God’s mercy will be shown For God How COVID has affected us
Grace is Still Amazing

Right or Left?

Romans 10:5-21 Dad’s words are/were Pointed, Preventative, thought Provoking God’s message to his creation is about righteousness. Righteousness is closer than we think. (5-8) Through Moses in Deuteronomy 30:12-14 We don’t have to physically search any farther than where we are Righteousness is a calling. (9-13) Let the overflowing of our mouth be that Jesus is Lord (Luke 6:45) How do we “call” on the Lord? It is a calling for everyone Righteousness is in the message we carry. (14-15;17) How COVID has affected us
Grace is Still Amazing

God’s Way

Romans 9:1-10:4 Introduction:  Paul wishes he could save the Israelites 1-4a God’s way is to give. 4b-5 Revealed his glory Made covenants Gave them the law Gave them the privilege of worshiping Him Gave them his wonderful promises God’s way is to choose us NOT for our good or bad works. 6-13 He chose Abraham He chose Isaac He chose Jacob For his purposes God’s way is to show mercy. 14-29 We can’t work for it We may think it How COVID has affected us
Grace is Still Amazing


Sermon Scripture:  Romans 7:1-8:11 When we died to Christ, we died to the law. (v. 7:1-6) Like marriage (Mark 10:1-12) Re-marry (1 Timothy 5:14) Surrendering to Jesus is putting the old self to death and uniting with Him. Until we died to the law, sin used the law. (v. 7:7-13) You can’t keep them so just live life You can keep them so work, work, work until judgment The law isn’t to blame, I am. (v. 7:14-25) We want to How COVID has affected us
Grace is Still Amazing


Sermon Scripture:  Romans 6 Into:  Let’s take a walk Walking in a new life means we have buried the old one. (V. 1-4) Christ died, putting sin away from us. Don’t put something old on something new (Matthew 9:16-17) If you say you are a Lions fan, then prove it. Walking with Jesus means that death no longer is in control. (V. 5-11) Dead to sin (1 Corinthians 3:1-3) Let all malice be put away (Eph. 4:31) Walking in righteousness How COVID has affected us
Grace is Still Amazing

The Calm During the Storm

Sermon Scripture:  Romans 5 There is peace in justification. (v.1-5) Paul’s life  Peace in suffering (2 cor 11:24-26, Philippians 1:21) Peace because of the Holy Spirit There is peace when we are loved. (v.6-11) Two women who met Jeus (John 4:13; 8:10-11) While we were still weak sinners Christ died for us Saved from experiencing God’s wrath There is peace in overcoming. (v.12-17) The prodigal son (Luke 15:19) Man’s sin was a huge obstacle A costly free gift There is How COVID has affected us
Grace is Still Amazing

Grace Refrigerator

Romans 3:21-4:25 Intro:  What’s on your fridge? The lists capture the “to-do’s” in our life. (Romans 3:21-22;27-28;4:4-5,15) Exodus 20:1-17, Matthew 22:37-40 Romans 3:19-20 The pictures capture memories we don’t want to forget. (Romans 4:1-3,9-12) Genesis 12:1-4 Genesis 17:9-14 Rom 4:11 The artwork captures grace because most of us produce stuff only mom could love. (Romans 3:23-24;29-31;4:16) Rom 4:18-19 Rom 3:23-24 God’s grace is the magnet that holds all believers in place.
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