One Conclusion

Will we have a free will in Heaven? Does Revelation 21:1 mean there will be no rain in Heaven (Sea is gone)? Who are the Kings of Earth in Revelation 21:24? If God knew who we were before we were made does that mean He knew Adam and Eve would sin? Can I have clarification on the beasts in chapter 13 and the mark of the beast? Are we close to the end due to the fact that most of How COVID has affected us

One Home

Heaven is… Physical (Revelation 21:9-14) Perfect (Revelation 21:1-2) God with us (Revelation 21:3) The curse brought division between… God and man (Genesis 3:20-24) Man and man (Genesis 3:16) Man and nature (Genesis 3:17-19) The final victory reconciled… God and man (Revelation 21:5-8) Man and man (Revelation 21:4) Man and nature Revelation 22:1-2) Understanding the next life will motivate us to prepare and share while in this life.  

One Victory

With deception Satan destroys (Revelation 16:13-16) With truth Jesus destroys (Revelation 19:11-21) With power God reigns victorious (Revelation 16:17-21; 19:1-2) With righteous deeds the church is prepared (Revelation 19:6-9) Any plan that makes life about us is the deceptive voice of Satan.  When we use the sword of truth to guide our life, we will be a prepared, righteous bride for the coming of the lamb.  

One Single Savior

A Single Savior The book of Revelation reveals two Portraits of Jesus Portrait One Revelation 5:1-6 Jesus is the _______ of God The lamb had 7 ________ symbolizing _____________ The lamb had 7 ________ symbolizing _____________ Jesus paid the ultimate price to redeem mankind Portrait Two Revelation 19:11-16 Jesus is a ________ _______ riding on a white ____________ Jesus comes this time for _________ and ______________. His only weapon is the ________ of God Jesus is ultimately King of _____ How COVID has affected us

One Enemy

The story of Satan He is a fallen angel Isaiah 14:12-14 Ezekiel 28:12b-16a He is a liar Genesis 3:1-5 John 8:44 His future was laid out for him Genesis 3:13-15 He lived up to his curse… Genesis 4:6-7 Esther 3:5-6 Matthew 2:13-16 Matthew 4:1 Luke 22:3-6 Luke 23:43-46 …But so did God! Isaiah 14:15 Ezekiel 28:16b Luke 24:5-6 I contend to you three things… Revelation retells Satan’s past Revelation 12 Revelation explains Satan’s present Revelation 13,17,18,20 Revelation makes clear Satan’s How COVID has affected us

One Prophecy

A pause with a purpose The first 7 celebrated a complete community (5:1-8:5) Covenant Community Those persecuted The washed The second 7 was a warning to those who don’t believe (8:6-11:19) They rejected power They rejected prophecy The result was experiencing God’s wrath The third 7 was encouragement to be prepared (15-16) The blame game Accepting Jesus is being saved by Jesus and prepared for Jesus.  

One God

The sermon and worship music alternated back and forth this week. Enjoy.

One Love

Revelation 2-3 Sermon Big Idea:  The church is called to be growing in Christ The letters were to churches, not individuals. The letters followed a consistent pattern. The letters end with a promise. 3 Questions… If a letter were written from God, delivered by Jesus to KCC, would you consider yourself one of the recipients? How would the letter describe KCC? Are you prepared for the promise?

One Vision

Revelation 1 Revelation is… About Jesus, from God, to be delivered by John. (v. 1-2) A blessing to all that read, hear, and keep the words it contains. (v. 3) A message to a specific group of churches. (v. 4,11) Clear about who Jesus is, what He did, and will do. (v. 5-8; 12-18) Other worldly. (v. 19-20) If the ultimate end results in one team standing in victory, shouldn’t we want to join that team?