Sermons from July 2024
No Pain, No Gain
Romans 8:18, Proverbs 17:3, Isaiah 48:10 1 Samuel 8 1 Samuel 13:7b-14 1 Samuel 16:7 1 Samuel 17:32-37,46-47 2 Samuel 24:24 Growth comes at a great cost. Are you willing to pay it or will you look for a cheaper way out?
The Devil is in the Details
The details of a life following God are recognition, renewal, and remembrance. 2:16-17
Life Speak
Sermon Series: Summerize Sermon Title: Life Speak Sermon Scripture: Joshua Speaker: Andy Bratton Big Idea: The promised land on earth comes with its challenges. We are called to clear out other gods that want to take up space in our heart and choose Jesus. But, we have to make a choice. Deuteronomy 7:1-6,10 Joshua 1:2,5-7,9,18 What is the speech your life delivers? 1 Corinthians 3:2 Luke 6:45