A Divine Dining Experience

A Divine Dining Experience

A Divine Dining Experience Sermon Series

A Divine Invitation – Breakfast on the Beach

Sermon Scripture:  Luke 21; Acts 2 Sermon Big Idea:  Peter, the fisherman, is called to fish for men. He shares his testimony of Jesus while frying fish on an open fire.  Why did Jesus say 2 swords were enough? Do you think Peter’s denial of Christ was prompted by fear or confusion? What is your comfort zone or security blanket that may be hindering you from serving Christ fully? Was 153 the largest catch Peter and the Apostles were involved How COVID has affected us
A Divine Dining Experience Sermon Series

A Divine Smackdown

Sermon Scripture:  Luke 11:37-54 Sermon Big Idea:  The key is to clean the inside first by being persistent, united, enguard, a doer, repentant, and a light.  Then we will have the keys to open the gate and to not hinder others from entering. Jesus teaches us how to disciple: Be persistent in prayer (Luke 11:1-13) Be united (Luke 11:14-23) Be on watch (Luke 11:24-26) Be hearers and doers (Luke 11:27-28) Be repentant (Luke 11:29-32) Be lights (Luke 11:33-36) As we How COVID has affected us
A Divine Dining Experience Sermon Series

A Divine Mystery

Luke 7:36-50 Mark 4:41 Luke 5:20-21 Luke 7:36-50 Simon questioned much He couldn’t be a prophet If He was holy He wouldn’t let her touch him The woman loved much Humbled herself Gave up her livelihood Covered up his embarrassment Matthew 2:18 – Polys (pa loos) Jesus forgives much Neither him who owed a little or a lot could repay She was one who we all would agree is a sinner Luke 7:49 Who is this man?  He is the How COVID has affected us
A Divine Dining Experience Sermon Series

A Divine Distraction

Deuteronomy 6:4-7 Martha was focused on the welcome. (v. 38) Mary was focused on learning. (v. 39) Martha was distracted with serving. (v. 40) Jesus re-focused Martha’s priorities. (41-42) Luke 10:31-32 Like the Levite and the Priest, we can get focused on what we think is right, only to forget the best. 3 meal questions What God sightings did you witness today? What would you ask Jesus if He were sitting at the table with us? What is one nice How COVID has affected us