Lord, Teach us to Pray

Lord, Teach us to Pray

Lord teach us to pray sermon series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Holy Annoyance

Sermon Scripture:  Luke 11:3-13 Sermon Big Idea:  We expect three things from our earthly fathers, provision, forgiveness, and leadership.  Jesus says we can ask the same things of our heavenly father. Luke 11:3-4 Three things we expect from our fathers Provision Live and give – The Rich Fool Fashion and fill up – Luke 12:30-31 Quality over quantity – Luke 11:11-13 Forgiveness Year of Jubilee For God’s sake – 1 John 2:12, Isaiah 43:25 For your sake – Acts 10:43, How COVID has affected us
Lord teach us to pray sermon series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Now and Later

Sermon Scripture:  Luke 11:1-4 Sermon Big Idea:  One we recognize who we are talking to when we pray, we then ask that same King to rule over us. Luke 11:2b Three thoughts on God’s kingdom The kingdom of God is the second coming of Jesus It will happen. – Revelation 22:7,12,16,20 Are you ready? – Matthew 25 (summary)The kingdom is here in us…or is it? The kingdom of God is the church Luke 22:18 Scot McKnight – King, Rule (redeems, How COVID has affected us
Lord teach us to pray sermon series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Be “Awe”struck

Sermon Scripture:  Luke 11:1-4 Sermon Big Idea:  To have a healthy prayer life, we need to find our fear in the one who can answer once again.  And when we discover who He is, address Him for who He is. Luke 11:1-4 Exodus 20:18-20 Jonah 1:16 Luke 5:26 Luke 7:15-16 Luke 8:25 Luke 8:37 Acts 5:5,11 Acts 2:42-43 Find our Phobos To find our Phobos: Move Allow Read Victories Evangelize Love Psalm 22:23 Psalm 33:8-9 When we find our phobos, How COVID has affected us