Messages from Bethlehem
Seeking Jesus?
Big Idea: When looking for Jesus you may not find what you are looking for, but if you do find Him you will find exactly what you need. Wise men were seeking a miracle – Matthew 2:1-2 Andrew and Peter were seeking a Messiah – John 1:35-39; Acts 1:6 Followers of Jesus were seeking manna – John 6:26 What are you seeking? The wise men knew it was Him by a sign – Matthew 2:9 Peter and Andrew knew it How COVID has affected us
Don’t forget the bread
God uses an unlikely love story at the “house of bread” to fulfill his promise. Intro: You can’t deny love as the overwhelming thread that holds together God and his people. Elimelech’s love was providing for his family. (Ruth 1:1-2) Naomi’s love was a willingness to release her family. (Ruth 1:8) Ruth’s love was the sacrifice of self. (Ruth 1:16-17) Boaz’s love was for God and His people. (Ruth 2:11; 4:9-10) God’s love is a promise kept. (Genesis 3:15; Isaiah How COVID has affected us