Messages from Bethlehem

Messages from Bethlehem

Messages from Bethlehem sermon series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Seeking Jesus?

Big Idea:  When looking for Jesus you may not find what you are looking for, but if you do find Him you will find exactly what you need. Wise men were seeking a miracle – Matthew 2:1-2 Andrew and Peter were seeking a Messiah – John 1:35-39; Acts 1:6 Followers of Jesus were seeking manna – John 6:26 What are you seeking? The wise men knew it was Him by a sign – Matthew 2:9 Peter and Andrew knew it How COVID has affected us
Messages from Bethlehem sermon series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

Don’t forget the bread

God uses an unlikely love story at the “house of bread” to fulfill his promise. Intro:  You can’t deny love as the overwhelming thread that holds together God and his people. Elimelech’s love was providing for his family. (Ruth 1:1-2) Naomi’s love was a willingness to release her family. (Ruth 1:8) Ruth’s love was the sacrifice of self. (Ruth 1:16-17) Boaz’s love was for God and His people. (Ruth 2:11; 4:9-10) God’s love is a promise kept. (Genesis 3:15; Isaiah How COVID has affected us