Stand Alone

Stand Alone

Destination Jesus. Believe. Belong. Become. Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Great Commission

Sermon Series: Discipleship Sermon Title:  The Great Commission Speaker: Mark McCool There is no such thing as easy Christianity    Mat. 7:13-14 Mark 12:30:  Heart   ________________ and ________________ Soul   ________________, ___________ Mind   ________________, ______________ Strength    ________________  ___________ (what we do) Four parts of the Great Commission: Matthew 28:18-20 Part I:  “All _____________ in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Jesus is our _______________  _______________ Part II:  Make _________________ , ______________ them Two aspects: How COVID has affected us
Destination Jesus. Believe. Belong. Become. Kalkaska Church of Christ

Who Are We Living For

Sermon Title:  Who Are We Living ForSermon Scripture: Deut 6:4-9, Matt 4:19. +VariousSpeaker: James TrumbleBig Idea:  We exist to glorify God by knowing Him and making Him known, and to answer the call to discipleship by using the one life we are given to follow Him, become more like Him, and bring others to Him.
Destination Jesus. Believe. Belong. Become. Kalkaska Church of Christ

The Table

Speaker: Andy BrattonBig Idea:  Discipleship starts at the table.  It’s about teaching, accountability, the Bible, living like Jesus, and enduring to the end. Teaching – Luke 11:37-44 NLT Accountability – Luke 14:15-24 Bible – Matthew 9:9-13 Living – John 13:12-14 Encouragement – Luke 22:24-30 NLT Matthew 26:26-29 Discipleship happens at the TABLE.
Destination Jesus. Believe. Belong. Become. Kalkaska Church of Christ

God has the Details!

Sermon Title:  God has the Details! Sermon Scripture: Acts 8:26-40 Speaker: Mark McCool The details are not my business. Details belong to God. My business is obedience. God’s purpose has no boundaries. God always gives exactly what we need at the exact right moment.  I am here today because of God’s detailed plan for me. There are two kinds of people here today:
Kalkaska Church of Christ

God’s Mission, Message, and Method

God’s Mission, Message, and Method We live in a constantly changing society…  However, there are three things that have not changed since Paul wrote these words to Timothy in I Timothy 2:1-7 What is God’s Mission? The one thing God gets more excited about than anything else is to SEEK and SAVE the lost… I Timothy 2:3-4 What is God’s Message? JESUS …I Timothy 2:5-6 Finally, What is God’s Method? PEOPLE I Timothy 2:7 “People don’t care how much you know How COVID has affected us
Reframing Discipleship - This time it's personal

Reframing Discipleship — This Time it’s Personal

Big Idea: Discipleship is not just a program you sign up for at church. It is a life you sign over to walk in, and advance, the Kingdom of God.  Matthew 28:18-20 The call to discipleship is for all who believe. Luke 14:25-33 The cost of discipleship is all you have. Romans 6:20-23 The case for discipleship lies in all He has done! Practically speaking… Disciples seek to teach and be taught. Disciples hunger for knowledge and action. Disciples practice How COVID has affected us