Sermons on Nehemiah

Sermons on Nehemiah

Expresss Yourself Sermon Series at Kalkaska Church of Christ

joy in our Noise

Exodus 25:22 The Ark was the dwelling place of God. 1 Samuel 4:3,10 There was punishment for misusing the dwelling place of God. 1 Samuel 5:11 There was punishment for mishandling the dwelling place of God. 2 Samuel 6:1-2 There should always be great effort to keep the dwelling place of God where it belongs. 1 Chronicles 15:16; 1 Chronicles 16:8-10,23-25; Galatians 2:20 When the dwelling place of God returns, we sing. Nehemiah 1:1-3 Israel is slowly returning from exile. How COVID has affected us

Jenga my heart, Oh God!

Nehemiah’s… Heritage led to a hurt heart Wept, prayed, and fasted It was his home It was his country/nation Not just about physical repairs They were left vulnerable They brought it on themselves Determination led to passionate pleas King To be able to go For supplies People of Israel Find some pride to rebuild Obey God Passion brought about effective execution Assessed and developed a plan Plan to physically rebuild Plan to spiritually rebuild Fought through adversity External enemies Internal How COVID has affected us