I Vote Jesus

I Vote Jesus

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Mark 13:24-31 God’s signs are clear. God’s signs are miraculous. God’s signs are certain. One of God’s signs to us is Jesus.  Don’t wait for other signs to surrender.

Does Jesus Vote You?

Mark 13:3-23 “For decades, we have piled deficit upon deficit, mortgaging our future and our children’s future for the temporary convenience of the present…. You and I, as individuals, can, by borrowing, live beyond our means, but for only a limited period of time. Why, then, should we think that collectively, as a nation, we are not bound by that same limitation?“ The 2 P’s of Prophecy Persuasion Prosecution Jesus demonstrates his love and power in revelation and warning. Jesus How COVID has affected us

For Heaven’s Sake

Mark 12:28-13:2 The quality of our offering is not measured by the amount, but rather by the heart A sacrifice is an offering, but not all offerings are sacrifices. You don’t have to sound the trumpet for God to see your gift. May the building we do with our offerings be Kingdom building.


Sermon Scripture:  Mark 12:35-40 BEWARE of those who miss the Messiah. BEWARE of those who show but don’t know. BEWARE of those who seek titles other than child of God. BEWARE of those who seek honor as opposed to living honorably. BEWARE of those who prey on God’s sheep. BEWARE of those who talk to God from a distance. BEWARE of becoming one of those you need to beware of! What the Lord requires of us:  “…do justice, love kindness, How COVID has affected us

Because of His Power

Sermon Scripture:  Mark 12:18-27 Mark 12:18-27 Deuteronomy 25:5-10 What will the resurrection be like? Will we look the same? Will we sound the same? Will we know the same people? Will we be married? What matters is that we believe it will happen. What do we believe about God’s power? God made it all (Genesis 1:1) God destroyed it all (Genesis 6) God loved it all (Genesis 1:31, John 3:16) I vote Jesus means… We are ALL His We believe How COVID has affected us

On the Issue of Taxes…

Sermon Scripture:  Mark 12:13-17 Do you listen to the correct advice? Do you know the candidates? Do you question the candidates with a pure heart? Do you follow the correct candidates? Do you marvel at Jesus? When we give to Christ what is His, we have clarity. Even clarity about politics.