Beyond Belief
The Importance of the Resurrection
Sermon Series: Beyond Belief Sermon Title: The Importance of the Resurrection Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-8; 12-19; Romans 6:1-8 Guest Speakers: Pastor Jackson Shetler reverend Josh Saxton Dr. Hunter Keasey If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead… 1. preaching is a waste of time 2. believing is useless 3. all those who share about Him are liars 4. neither will we be 5. our faith is worthless 6. we are still living in sin 7. we are the most pitiful humans on earth
The Mind of Christ
Sermon Series: Beyond Belief Sermon Title: The Mind of Christ Sermon Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 Sermon Big Idea: The Mind of Christ is a way of thinking, that leads to a way of acting each and every day. It guides each and every thought, decision, and action. 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 To have the Mind of Christ is to match His… -passion. -heart. -love. -consistency. -mannerisms. Match Jesus in every way.
Beware of the Slorphesus!
Sermon Series: Beyond BeliefSermon Title: Beware of slorphesus!Sermon Scripture: Romans 12:1Sermon Big Idea: To understand God’s will we need to be in the right state of mind. There are two states. One is the world’s and the other is that of Jesus. So…
Dangerously Hopefilled
Sermon Series: Beyond BeliefSpeaker: Andy BrattonSermon Scripture: Romans 8:1Sermon Big Idea: Living free can be a joyful place but a scary one as well. In our freedom will we choose to pursue Jesus or rest on our false security? Romans 8:1-2 Romans 8:3-4 Romans 8:5-8 Romans 8:9-11 John 7:53-8:11 Does our life reflect law or love? Does our life reflect condemnation or freedom? Does our life reflect obedience or ambivalence? Matthew 7:13-14