One Flesh

One Flesh

One Flesh Sermon Series

The Four C’s of Marriage

Tim & Anita Severance share important topics that affect every marriage. Genesis 3:14-21 I. Communication in Marriage – Ephesians 4:15; James 1:19 II. Conflict in Marriage – 1 Corinthians 7:28 III. Connection in Marriage – Genesis 2:24; Mark 10:8-9 IV. Christ in Marriage – Matthew 7:24-27
One Flesh Sermon Series

Divide and Be Conquered

Satan tried to divide the one flesh into two. (v. 1-5) He spoke directly to Eve He tried to confuse God’s words (3:1) The instruction was given to Adam (2:15-17) Individually, Eve made a decision. (v. 6) No mention of a discussion Good for food, delight to the eyes, able to make one wise Together, Adam and Eve discovered the consequences of sin. (v. 7-8) Before sin, Adam and Eve saw the world through innocent eyes After sin, Adam and How COVID has affected us
One Flesh Sermon Series

Transfer of Responsibility

God placed man in the garden to work. From his work he would sustain life. There were limitations to the provision. There were consequences for going beyond the limitations. God noticed Adam’s loneliness. Not good No suitable helper – no obvious helper for him God created a suitable helper. From Adam’s rib Like him God gave away the first bride. Adam rejoiced about his gift Adam gave her a name Two became one and there was no shame. Physically Emotionally How COVID has affected us